Archimedes Division 2008

Winners advance to the Einstein Field
Atlanta, GA, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
151 116 461 2472 11 337 46 102
1143 357 1 41 555 2604 64 122
292 1218 135 93 107 171 122 70
177 401 2342 66 236 433 20 70
900 228 1379 122 842 85 24 36
49 269 752 1727 27 322 72 98
599 2166 1261 499 190 303 64 26
71 525 1577 222 1504 1547 120 52
949 2048 2518 1094 365 201 46 110
1746 2377 1024 614 987 1474 58 62
386 1771 2575 2024 816 2449 56 56
476 1598 1690 1646 1987 701 40 56
2624 1323 2335 1065 1398 1528 72 28
1124 1902 2424 1795 1305 2550 84 48
2081 337 116 555 107 135 104 56
461 11 1143 66 357 93 88 76
151 1 41 900 236 177 62 70
433 2604 171 49 27 85 90 64
122 322 269 1218 599 2342 70 38
71 228 190 525 2472 401 100 106
222 499 842 1547 292 201 50 78
1379 1577 949 752 987 303 40 68
2518 1504 816 2166 1024 614 90 50
1771 701 476 1261 1474 365 50 98
1094 1398 386 1727 1646 1746 30 50
1598 2024 1124 2048 1065 2624 92 50
2449 2335 1795 2377 1987 1305 34 50
2424 1528 2550 1690 2575 2081 24 24
1902 41 236 1323 107 11 18 58
357 85 555 66 151 49 46 14
122 599 177 116 27 135 62 106
190 433 93 269 228 1 58 30
222 171 201 401 461 322 88 56
949 1218 987 337 71 842 82 54
303 614 1143 525 292 2342 20 114
900 499 2472 701 752 2518 28 60
1547 1379 386 1024 1398 365 38 78
1577 1646 1261 1124 816 2624 46 114
1795 2377 1065 1094 476 2604 50 32
1771 1987 1746 1528 1305 2575 98 56
1504 1690 2424 1598 1902 2335 48 74
2550 1474 2024 2449 1727 1323 54 38
2048 2081 41 2166 85 66 40 36
236 93 228 116 49 599 92 56
151 201 107 171 1 122 70 84
190 11 135 433 322 71 74 72
357 337 27 222 401 303 110 68
269 461 499 949 177 614 22 60
386 701 525 555 1379 1218 116 52
816 292 365 2624 900 987 38 84
1124 1547 1143 476 2377 752 66 30
1305 842 1094 1261 1528 2472 86 48
1065 1504 1987 1771 1398 2424 90 44
1690 1024 1577 2024 1323 1795 76 58
1474 2166 2335 2604 1646 2575 44 36
2342 1746 2518 2081 1598 2550 48 70
1902 1727 171 2048 2449 116 82 64
66 11 1 228 49 135 94 80
93 41 27 303 151 71 86 96
85 177 107 190 201 614 50 32
357 949 525 433 701 122 70 30
2624 322 386 236 499 337 74 42
555 599 365 292 2377 461 56 70
900 1528 1143 1261 1124 269 36 100
987 1504 1398 401 1305 476 90 58
1094 1323 1987 1379 222 816 80 84
1646 752 1218 2024 1024 2424 56 136
1474 2575 1795 2518 1065 842 22 80
2449 2342 2472 1690 2604 2048 42 68
1902 1746 2081 2335 1771 1577 126 76
1727 1547 2550 2166 1598 135 40 108
27 66 71 201 1 116 116 52
303 11 122 171 701 177 82 74
322 107 499 228 151 357 66 76
49 292 41 386 190 949 74 40
337 1124 365 85 93 269 120 104
987 476 236 525 1528 461 62 64
433 1398 222 614 900 599 40 52
401 1323 1024 1143 1094 2424 124 42
1305 752 816 1474 1065 555 70 0
1218 2604 2518 1690 1261 1987 62 30
1646 842 2081 1504 1902 2449 52 90
1598 2472 1727 2575 2377 1577 48 38
1795 2166 2624 1771 2342 1379 32 64
1547 2048 2024 2335 1746 2550 30 40
701 303 27 107 228 66 106 68
116 122 71 292 386 499 108 96
365 190 177 171 357 1124 92 66
1528 93 476 949 322 85 94 64
151 135 236 269 987 222 58 84
201 900 1323 49 337 525 42 106
1024 1065 1305 461 433 41 90 82
401 614 1094 11 555 1690 26 34
752 842 2604 599 2081 816 54 88
1598 1577 1474 1218 1143 1398 60 64
2575 1727 1261 1504 2342 1795 44 42
1646 2377 1771 2048 1379 2550 46 46
2624 2449 2518 2424 1746 1547 40 50
2166 1987 2472 1 2024 1902 52 42
2335 66 116 357 122 190 72 62

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2166 71 11 1598 122 1771 114 88
71 11 2166 122 1771 1598 122 68
987 365 842 2081 2335 1218 96 90
365 842 987 2081 1218 2335 118 68
93 525 27 292 201 41 86 94
525 27 93 201 292 41 100 68
525 93 27 41 292 201 100 86
1124 1024 177 386 816 555 108 68
177 1024 1124 816 555 386 90 26
71 11 2166 987 842 365 68 84
71 11 2166 987 842 365 62 110
93 525 27 1124 1024 177 86 82
27 93 525 1024 1124 177 102 126
27 525 93 177 1124 1024 64 92
842 365 987 1124 1024 177 84 92
842 365 987 1124 177 1024 134 50
987 365 842 177 1024 1124 62 86

Elimination Bracket



Rank Team Qual Score Seeding Score Match Points Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Qual Score/Match*
1 11 14 71.71 102 7-0-0 0 7 2.00
2 525 14 64.00 120 7-0-0 0 7 2.00
3 1124 12 61.43 120 6-1-0 0 7 1.71
4 987 12 61.14 90 6-1-0 0 7 1.71
5 2081 11 58.00 126 5-1-1 0 7 1.57
6 816 11 56.57 114 5-1-1 0 7 1.57
7 27 10 73.14 116 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
8 292 10 64.29 122 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
9 122 10 62.00 108 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
10 365 10 61.14 120 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
11 1024 10 60.57 136 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
12 337 10 60.29 120 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
13 1746 10 59.71 126 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
14 2335 10 56.29 76 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
15 1902 10 54.00 126 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
16 1987 10 53.71 98 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
17 1598 10 52.00 108 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
18 1727 10 49.14 98 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
19 171 8 76.29 90 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
20 71 8 76.00 120 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
21 135 8 69.71 122 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
22 66 8 63.43 116 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
23 303 8 59.43 106 4-2-0 0 6 1.33
24 1218 8 58.57 122 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
25 2604 8 56.00 122 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
26 177 8 55.43 92 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
27 1504 8 55.14 90 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
28 701 8 54.57 116 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
29 1305 8 54.00 90 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
30 2624 8 52.29 114 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
31 2472 8 52.00 106 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
32 2550 8 47.71 70 3-2-2 0 7 1.14
33 2166 8 44.57 108 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
34 1261 8 44.00 100 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
35 1065 8 44.00 90 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
36 2518 8 43.43 90 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
37 1474 8 40.57 98 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
38 2024 7 48.57 136 3-3-1 0 7 1.00
39 2377 7 47.71 70 3-3-1 0 7 1.00
40 2424 7 44.57 136 3-3-1 0 7 1.00
41 1690 7 42.57 76 3-3-1 0 7 1.00
42 93 6 72.29 104 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
43 461 6 67.14 88 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
44 322 6 65.71 98 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
45 357 6 64.57 110 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
46 116 6 63.14 108 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
47 222 6 62.00 88 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
48 41 6 61.14 122 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
49 433 6 59.71 90 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
50 1771 6 55.71 98 2-3-2 0 7 0.86
51 85 6 55.43 104 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
52 269 6 54.29 104 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
53 1323 6 53.71 124 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
54 201 6 52.57 110 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
55 949 6 52.29 82 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
56 236 6 49.71 92 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
57 1143 6 49.71 88 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
58 599 6 48.86 88 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
59 752 6 47.43 72 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
60 555 6 45.43 122 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
61 1398 6 45.43 90 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
62 1547 6 42.86 78 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
63 900 6 40.00 84 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
64 614 6 39.71 62 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
65 386 5 57.71 116 2-4-1 0 7 0.71
66 1528 5 52.57 94 2-4-1 0 7 0.71
67 2048 5 50.57 68 2-4-1 0 7 0.71
68 1379 5 47.43 84 2-4-1 0 7 0.71
69 1646 5 43.71 56 2-4-1 0 7 0.71
70 190 4 62.57 100 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
71 107 4 61.43 70 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
72 228 4 60.57 100 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
73 151 4 57.43 96 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
74 1 4 57.14 94 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
75 401 4 54.29 124 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
76 49 4 54.00 106 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
77 1577 4 52.86 120 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
78 1094 4 44.86 110 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
79 842 4 42.86 86 2-4-0 0 6 0.67
80 2575 4 42.00 56 1-4-2 0 7 0.57
81 2342 4 40.29 114 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
82 2449 3 48.00 90 1-5-1 0 7 0.43
83 476 2 50.86 94 1-6-0 0 7 0.29
84 1795 2 32.86 58 1-5-0 0 6 0.33
85 499 0 37.71 96 0-6-0 0 6 0.00

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Pontiac, Michigan, USA
Flanders, New Jersey, USA
Clarkston, Michigan, USA
Warren, New Jersey, USA
Saginaw, MI, USA
Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA
Hammond, Indiana, USA
Zeeland, Michigan, USA
Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
Holland, Michigan, USA
Herndon, Virginia, USA
Hampton, Virginia, USA
Mishawaka, Indiana, USA
Nashua, New Hampshire, USA
Platteville, Wisconsin, USA
South Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Rochester, Michigan, USA
Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania, USA
Meriden, Connecticut, USA
Old Lyme, Connecticut, USA
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, USA
Russiaville, Indiana, USA
Bridgewater, New Jersey, USA
Flint, Michigan, USA
Whitman, West Virginia, USA
Drexel Hill, PA, USA
Wilmington, Delaware, USA
Melbourne, Florida, USA
Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
Flourtown, Pennsylvania, USA
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Ponca City, OK, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA
Montclair, New Jersey, USA
Granada Hills, California, USA
Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Fairfield, California, USA
Newark, New Jersey, USA
Mount Holly, New Jersey, USA
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Durham, North Carolina, USA
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Kissimmee, Florida, USA
O Fallon, Missouri, USA
Avon, Connecticut, USA
Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, USA
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Suwanee, Georgia, USA
North Bay, Ontario, Canada
Madera, California, USA
Norcross, GA, USA
Columbia, South Carolina, USA
Tewksbury, Massachusetts, USA
Okemos, Michigan, USA
Monroe, Michigan, USA
Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Raanana, HaMerkaz, Israel
Danville, Virginia, USA
Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Binyamina, HaZafon, Israel
Lutherville Timonium, Maryland, USA
Cumming, Georgia, USA
Suwanee, Georgia, USA
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Orlando, Florida, USA
Lees Summit, Missouri, USA
Hilo, Hawaii, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Peoria, Illinois, USA
Oakville, ON, Canada
Prairie Village, Kansas, USA
Nashua, New Hampshire, USA
Pasadena, Maryland, USA
Bixby, Oklahoma, USA
Tempe, Arizona, USA
Circle Pines, Minnesota, USA
Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota, USA
Oregon City, Oregon, USA
Santa Branca, SP, Brazil
Capac, Michigan, USA
Toronto, ON, Canada
Award Winner
Archimedes - Division Winner 1124
Archimedes - Division Winner 1024
Archimedes - Division Winner 177
Archimedes - Division Finalist 987
Archimedes - Division Finalist 365
Archimedes - Division Finalist 842
Archimedes - Highest Rookie Seed 2335

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
525 59.93
1024 55.73
27 46.28
1124 45.58
93 45.58
987 44.56
71 43.96
292 43.94
1504 43.16
135 42.27
11 41.08
2604 39.97
2081 38.55
1771 36.08
1305 34.24
365 33.70
337 33.07
177 33.05
201 32.02
1598 30.24
322 30.06
1746 29.65
222 28.19
1261 27.79
2024 27.76
171 27.61
228 27.33
116 26.76
1218 26.28
1987 25.80
386 25.50
2624 25.29
599 23.99
1902 23.82
1143 23.25
66 23.13
1323 22.62
41 21.99
122 21.34
2518 21.08
1577 20.14
752 19.86
269 19.69
1379 18.68
701 18.66
2472 18.63
357 18.41
303 18.33
401 18.02
2335 17.96
816 17.69
1727 17.50
1094 17.46
1065 17.13
151 17.12
2424 17.09
433 16.38
85 15.91
1474 13.01
2048 12.43
461 12.33
2449 12.11
1528 11.14
1 10.96
842 9.86
949 9.83
107 9.24
236 9.08
190 8.55
2166 8.51
499 8.27
1795 8.06
555 7.27
2550 6.89
49 6.39
476 6.23
900 5.64
2377 4.08
1646 3.91
2575 0.37
614 -1.42
1547 -2.52
1398 -3.10
2342 -3.52
1690 -6.55
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