Boston Regional 2006

to Week 4
Agganis Arena, BU in Boston, MA, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
529 1735 1511 1277 125 1965 18 18
1686 213 246 1916 1779 1768 28 0
121 75 467 1100 1975 839 54 24
1568 1733 1725 1153 1757 1973 35 15
1403 1919 571 40 126 69 39 55
1699 233 157 578 1152 383 50 29
1909 1592 88 1685 1761 97 48 0
549 1962 1277 246 121 1735 43 21
1757 213 75 125 1153 1686 27 21
571 1975 1973 1511 1916 69 19 34
383 1403 467 1568 529 1779 31 11
1685 1152 126 1100 1733 1965 37 12
97 157 1919 549 1768 839 30 29
1761 578 1725 40 1962 88 57 27
233 1909 1699 1592 1735 1686 90 24
69 1153 467 1277 383 1916 17 8
1685 121 1757 571 1779 1152 45 0
97 1965 75 1973 1403 246 46 37
88 157 1100 125 1568 40 37 11
1699 1761 839 1511 126 213 0 61
1592 549 1725 1975 529 578 61 23
1919 1909 1733 1962 1768 233 14 72
69 1735 1757 97 467 1152 56 26
88 1686 1973 383 121 1965 19 78
1699 40 1916 1685 75 1568 27 22
1725 839 1277 1779 1592 126 30 28
1919 578 125 246 1909 1511 3 25
1768 1975 1153 1403 1761 157 29 33
1962 1100 529 571 213 233 54 132
549 1733 69 88 1699 75 43 17
1725 1152 1686 1277 1568 97 14 22
1909 839 1965 1757 1916 578 19 29
1768 1511 467 40 1592 121 29 56
1962 1403 125 1685 1975 383 28 42
213 1919 1735 1973 1100 1779 16 33
157 1733 571 246 1761 529 53 23
126 1153 233 549 88 1916 22 36
1725 1909 467 1699 1965 1768 43 37
1152 1403 1511 1962 1686 839 24 0
213 69 1568 121 578 1685 39 46
157 1735 75 571 1592 383 13 34
1153 1919 529 97 40 1779 16 77
1733 1975 1277 233 1757 246 0 116
1100 1761 549 125 1973 126 59 27
1909 1152 213 88 1403 467 0 7
157 1725 1916 121 1735 1511 40 53
1919 1568 1965 1592 1962 1153 19 34
1733 1779 578 75 1277 1768 20 23
126 529 1757 1699 1973 1975 46 5
571 125 97 233 839 1685 16 31
1761 69 1686 1100 246 383 13 55
40 549 1909 1152 1153 1511 48 27
1733 467 157 213 1962 1592 36 32
126 1568 1735 1768 1975 88 27 39
571 1277 1699 1919 121 1403 19 47
1973 1685 246 839 529 69 23 14
1100 578 97 1916 1686 1757 57 0
125 1725 75 233 1761 1779 14 67
1965 549 383 40 213 1975 53 70
1909 571 1568 126 1277 1962 7 43
1511 1685 467 1919 88 246 50 44
1757 157 69 1403 1100 1699 48 34
1725 1686 1733 125 121 529 0 37
1153 578 1735 839 383 1768 33 22
97 75 549 1965 1761 1916 42 13
1779 1152 1592 1973 233 40 10 77
1909 69 157 126 213 1277 47 47
1757 1511 1962 88 529 1100 18 37
1768 1685 1725 383 1699 1919 39 21
75 1686 467 571 578 1153 23 31
549 1779 1403 1735 1733 839 49 15
97 1975 121 233 1568 246 41 30
1965 40 1277 1761 1973 467 38 7
1592 125 69 1152 1916 1768 14 16

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
121 233 1568 1757 1100 571 69 33
121 233 1568 1757 1100 571 99 42
1685 126 1592 157 246 383 36 19
1685 126 1592 157 246 383 41 22
549 1511 125 97 578 1725 38 68
549 1511 125 97 578 1725 57 25
549 1511 125 97 578 1725 47 61
40 69 213 467 88 1403 81 41
40 69 213 467 88 1403 59 23
121 233 1568 1685 126 1592 37 41
121 233 1568 1685 126 1592 88 40
121 233 1568 1685 126 1592 93 26
97 578 1725 40 69 213 43 57
97 578 1725 40 69 213 17 54
121 233 1568 40 69 213 75 28
121 233 1568 40 69 213 99 35

Elimination Bracket



Manchester, NH, USA
Quincy, Massachusetts, USA
Hillsborough, New Jersey, USA
Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Middletown, Rhode Island, USA
Revere, Massachusetts, USA
Clinton, Massachusetts, USA
Marlborough, Massachusetts, USA
Keene, New Hampshire, USA
Rockledge, Florida, USA
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, USA
Mansfield, MA, USA
Leominster, MA, USA
Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Fairport, New York, USA
Feeding Hills, Massachusetts, USA
Northborough/Southborough, Massachusetts, USA
Hyde Park, MA, USA
Walpole, Massachusetts, USA
Groton, Massachusetts, USA
Skillman, New Jersey, USA
Penfield, New York, USA
Pawtucket, RI, USA
Cocoa, Florida, USA
Worcester, MA, USA
Worcester, MA, USA
Colchester, Connecticut, USA
Worcester, MA, USA
Worcester, MA, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Westwood, Massachusetts, USA
Lynn, Massachusetts, USA
Bolton, Massachusetts, USA
South Boston, MA, USA
Boston, MA, USA
Roxbury, MA, USA
South Boston, MA, USA
Boston, MA, USA
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Millton, MA, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 383
Engineering Inspiration Award 75
Rookie All-Star Award 1761
Regional Woodie Flowers Award James Broderick (Team 126) (126)
Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award David Burmaster & George Perna
Regional Winner 121
Regional Winner 233
Regional Winner 1568
Regional Finalist 40
Regional Finalist 69
Regional Finalist 213
Autodesk Visualization Award 75
DaimlerChrysler Team Spirit Award 1100
Delphi "Driving Tommorow's Technology" Award 467
General Motors Industrial Design Award 121
Highest Rookie Seed Award 1757
Imagery Award 1511
Johnson and Johnson Sportsmanship Award 246
Judge's Award (Day 1) 40
Judge's Award (Day 1) 1909
Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers Entrepreneurship Award 126
Motorola Quality Award 571
Radio Shack Innovation in Control Award 233
Rookie Inspiration Award 1975
Underwriters Laboratories Industrial Safety Award 571
Website Award 578
Xerox Creativity Award 157

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
233 50.30
121 26.67
549 25.69
40 24.49
1725 24.24
213 22.09
1100 20.86
126 17.68
69 16.97
383 16.79
571 16.51
1965 16.12
1757 16.01
578 15.87
97 15.75
157 15.32
1511 14.95
1768 12.92
1403 12.81
246 12.50
88 10.45
1592 10.08
1962 9.49
467 9.22
529 8.40
1909 8.03
1685 7.37
1975 7.20
1779 6.60
1735 5.88
75 4.96
1277 4.50
1919 3.52
1699 3.15
1973 2.80
1153 2.09
1761 2.06
1733 0.38
1686 -1.16
125 -3.89
1568 -3.94
1152 -4.58
1916 -4.63
839 -6.81