New York City Regional 2015

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4684 1468 5308 2895 371 640 2 6
4012 5781 3053 335 358 5453 4 0
3059 1635 375 4122 1660 1880 10 16
5452 3760 2265 4299 4640 5773 0 2
5421 421 743 5289 1796 271 39 40
4773 1396 334 5558 229 1600 43 17
3171 3419 5298 4528 369 810 98 54
354 4263 333 2344 2601 3204 8 28
5151 5599 514 1155 395 4571 0 0
806 5202 1546 5123 4383 1230 26 0
4856 1884 2579 1860 4830 694 37 54
5773 1600 4012 1635 3171 5421 0 43
3760 5289 2601 5781 375 4684 30 14
5298 229 1796 333 1880 514 48 0
810 3204 371 1396 271 1155 12 26
335 2265 4571 640 3059 1546 6 9
1468 2579 3053 4528 5452 743 3 20
3419 1660 395 806 1230 334 68 61
1884 358 4773 354 4856 5599 22 55
421 4383 4640 694 2895 5151 4 34
2344 4299 5558 1860 4122 5202 13 22
5453 5123 369 5308 4830 4263 22 1
806 3204 335 1468 1880 5421 13 4
4571 334 1884 333 5781 5298 38 10
1230 4640 640 3171 358 375 31 45
3419 271 354 4684 4299 5151 54 3
369 395 1796 2265 2344 1635 38 34
1660 4383 5558 5453 743 514 10 24
5452 1546 5308 421 4773 810 42 12
4856 4122 2895 229 4528 4263 50 54
5123 5289 5599 1860 1396 5773 4 55
4830 1155 5202 1600 3053 3760 14 22
3059 2579 694 2601 371 4012 77 63
4383 375 5308 271 333 334 30 5
5781 806 810 2895 5558 4640 30 8
1635 4571 1860 1230 5452 4263 41 3
5773 421 4856 335 3419 5202 20 72
4122 4012 5421 5298 1155 4773 12 2
2344 1546 1880 3053 1660 694 47 95
5151 2601 1396 2265 1884 743 14 44
514 3059 369 5289 3204 1468 36 14
1600 4528 4684 358 395 5123 8 14
3760 640 5453 2579 229 354 27 72
4299 3171 371 4830 1796 5599 12 10
5558 333 5151 1880 5452 5773 0 7
4640 3053 1884 5308 1635 3419 54 128
4773 2265 4528 4684 1660 5202 17 36
5781 271 694 640 369 1600 52 22
743 4122 371 4571 5123 3760 66 54
5289 1860 1155 2895 335 354 54 52
4299 5298 358 1546 2579 3204 26 6
4012 1230 2344 5599 1468 229 29 25
4383 395 4830 4263 5421 3059 20 14
334 2601 1796 5453 4856 810 76 61
421 514 3171 375 1396 806 73 62
694 743 333 1635 335 4773 91 58
2579 5289 3419 4122 2265 3204 50 6
4830 4012 1660 4571 354 4640 18 55
5773 3053 2601 4383 640 229 34 12
358 3059 1396 5308 2344 3760 34 78
810 1230 4299 514 4263 1884 25 9
1796 5452 2895 395 271 5202 8 43
5123 3171 1468 4856 5781 1155 38 18
5558 375 371 5421 1546 4528 21 44
1880 334 421 369 5599 4684 37 12
5453 5151 5298 1860 806 1600 7 52
395 810 640 5289 4012 333 64 46
335 4640 514 2344 2579 5123 21 46
229 3204 5202 5308 3171 4571 48 66
354 1396 1230 1796 4528 5781 36 44
2265 5558 4263 3053 421 5298 2 10
369 5421 4856 5151 1660 3760 4 15
2895 3059 743 334 4299 1600 18 30
2601 271 1635 4830 4773 1468 15 2
5453 4684 1546 1884 5773 4122 34 106
5599 1155 806 5452 375 694 24 13
1880 1860 4383 371 3419 358 22 68
5202 4528 5151 514 4012 334 15 10
3204 1660 640 5558 1796 5123 41 18
5308 335 4122 2601 1230 4830 28 11
4773 4299 375 5453 3053 4571 6 14
229 5781 1860 421 3059 395 25 12
5773 358 1155 743 806 369 86 61
3760 333 5599 3419 1546 2895 67 82
1635 4684 1396 5298 4856 4383 49 50
354 5421 2265 810 1468 694 40 32
2344 5452 1600 1884 5289 371 70 52
271 4263 1880 3171 4640 2579 60 52


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 3419 3171 4571
Alliance 2 694 354 271
Alliance 3 1635 1860 334
Alliance 4 5308 1546 358
Alliance 5 743 1660 4856
Alliance 6 1884 2344 1796
Alliance 7 2579 806 4122
Alliance 8 1396 5773 229

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1546 5308 358 1660 743 4856 24 49
1860 1635 334 2344 1884 1796 22 76
354 694 271 806 2579 4122 73 70
3171 3419 4571 5773 1396 229 116 24
1546 5308 358 2344 1884 1796 56 74
1860 1635 334 1660 743 4856 24 68
354 694 271 5773 1396 229 120 26
3171 3419 4571 806 2579 4122 97 31
354 694 271 1660 743 4856 51 19
3171 3419 4571 2344 1884 1796 82 94
354 694 271 2344 1884 1796 117 101
3171 3419 4571 1660 743 4856 76 41
2344 1884 1796 1660 743 4856 90 50
3171 3419 4571 354 694 271 101 112
2344 1884 1796 354 694 271 104 56
2344 1884 1796 354 694 271 113 102

Playoff Advancement


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Semis
1 3419, 3171, 4571 106.50
2 694, 354, 271 96.50
3 1884, 2344, 1796 75.00
4 743, 1660, 4856 58.50
5 2579, 806, 4122 50.50
6 5308, 1546, 358 40.00
7 1396, 5773, 229 25.00
8 1635, 1860, 334 23.00


Rank Alliance Average Score Advance to Finals
1 1884, 2344, 1796 95.00
2 694, 354, 271 93.33
3 3419, 3171, 4571 86.33
4 743, 1660, 4856 36.67



Rank Team Qual Avg. Coopertition Auto Container Tote Litter DQ Played
1 3419 77.5 120 0 272 196 38 0 8
2 694 56.0 80 0 140 112 128 0 8
3 3171 53.4 120 4 120 164 37 0 8
4 1635 47.2 120 4 88 130 42 0 8
5 5308 46.9 80 0 120 116 89 0 8
6 354 46.5 0 0 152 130 96 0 8
7 743 45.4 160 0 52 78 91 0 8
8 1884 45.2 80 4 100 108 82 0 8
9 2344 43.1 0 0 164 130 69 0 8
10 2579 42.9 40 0 132 114 69 0 8
11 806 41.1 80 4 60 106 97 0 8
12 1860 40.6 0 12 72 120 127 0 8
13 1396 39.9 80 4 40 86 115 0 8
14 5773 38.8 80 4 92 98 59 0 8
15 4122 38.2 120 4 60 80 42 0 8
16 229 37.6 80 4 60 78 97 0 8
17 371 37.5 80 4 84 78 78 0 8
18 334 37.5 40 0 100 104 98 0 8
19 1660 37.4 0 0 92 100 113 0 8
20 4856 36.9 120 0 64 82 59 0 8
21 358 36.9 40 4 84 114 68 0 8
22 271 36.9 40 0 60 98 109 0 8
23 3760 36.6 80 0 52 70 93 0 8
24 810 36.2 120 0 68 78 48 0 8
25 1546 36.2 80 0 96 112 38 0 8
26 5289 36.2 80 0 92 90 46 0 8
27 1796 35.2 80 0 72 84 52 0 8
28 5202 34.5 40 0 80 84 78 0 8
29 4571 34.2 80 4 64 92 68 0 8
30 2601 33.9 80 0 68 94 29 0 8
31 395 32.4 40 0 84 96 43 0 8
32 2895 32.2 80 0 68 68 60 0 8
33 4528 32.0 80 0 60 68 54 0 8
34 5298 31.4 80 0 52 94 31 0 8
35 335 31.2 40 0 68 70 90 0 8
36 369 31.1 80 0 36 120 55 0 8
37 3053 29.5 40 0 60 82 60 0 8
38 333 28.4 120 0 28 60 41 0 8
39 4640 28.4 40 0 52 76 71 0 8
40 1155 28.0 40 0 48 66 74 0 8
41 1600 27.6 0 4 64 84 86 0 8
42 3059 26.2 40 4 44 84 62 0 8
43 421 25.9 80 0 52 62 49 0 8
44 640 25.8 40 0 48 52 78 0 8
45 375 25.1 40 4 28 70 77 0 8
46 5421 25.0 40 0 64 92 34 0 8
47 5599 24.6 40 0 32 82 61 0 8
48 5781 24.6 0 4 56 76 73 0 8
49 5123 24.5 40 4 52 62 58 0 8
50 1230 24.5 0 0 68 76 78 0 8
51 1880 24.1 0 0 52 86 73 0 8
52 5453 23.6 80 0 28 52 80 0 8
53 4012 22.8 80 0 36 56 39 0 8
54 514 21.6 40 0 24 66 49 0 8
55 3204 21.0 40 0 28 70 36 0 8
56 5452 20.4 0 0 60 84 33 0 8
57 4773 20.2 40 0 20 58 68 0 8
58 4684 19.8 80 0 20 42 58 0 8
59 4263 18.9 40 0 16 62 63 0 8
60 2265 18.6 0 0 60 66 43 0 8
61 4383 18.5 40 0 24 32 64 0 8
62 4830 16.2 0 0 32 72 56 0 8
63 1468 15.0 0 4 36 74 30 0 8
64 4299 14.6 0 0 36 74 55 0 8
65 5151 11.0 0 0 28 40 24 0 8
66 5558 6.4 0 0 16 32 31 0 8
Potsdam, New York, USA
Bay Shore, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Hauppauge, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Staten Island, New York, USA
Staten Island, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Miller Place, New York, USA
Jamaica, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Smithtown, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Staten Island, New York, USA
Hicksville, New York, USA
Baldwin, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Elmhurst, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Queens, New York, USA
Sao Jose dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil
New York, New York, USA
London, England, United Kingdom
Bronx, New York, USA
Yonkers, New York, USA
Astoria, New York, USA
Flushing, New York, USA
Far Rockaway, New York, USA
Queens Village, New York, USA
Yonkers, New York, USA
Westhampton Beach, New York, USA
Jamaica Estates, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Staten Island, New York, USA
Ossining, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Queens, New York, USA
New York, New York, USA
new york, New York, USA
Yonkers, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Shenzhen, 44, China
New York, New York, USA
Yonkers, New York, USA
bronx, New York, USA
New Rochelle, New York, USA
New York City, New York, USA
Astoria, New York, USA
Wuhan, Hubei, China
New York, New York, USA
quanzhou, Fujian, China
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Bursa, Bursa, Turkey
Bayside, New York, USA
BEYLIKDUZU, Istanbul, Türkiye
London, England, United Kingdom
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 375
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 2601
Rookie All Star Award 5421
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Reuben Bridges (395)
Volunteer of the Year Jeanne Boyarsky (694)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Maira Pires (1860)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Yubin Kim (694)
Regional Winners 1884
Regional Winners 2344
Regional Winners 1796
Regional Finalists 694
Regional Finalists 354
Regional Finalists 271
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 3171
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 1660
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 2344
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 694
Highest Rookie Seed 5773
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1796
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 1860
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 810
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 3419
Judges' Award 5289
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 354
Rookie Inspiration Award 5599
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 810

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
3419 49.24
694 47.41
3171 35.69
2344 31.95
743 26.47
354 26.29
229 24.33
5308 23.36
1884 23.27
3760 22.30
5773 21.83
334 21.66
1796 21.49
1635 21.14
806 20.98
810 19.73
1396 18.82
4856 17.99
4528 17.46
1660 16.87
4122 15.86
5289 14.59
1546 14.30
1860 14.22
395 12.15
371 11.67
4640 11.17
358 11.14
5202 11.04
2601 10.90
5298 10.34
369 9.77
1155 8.17
3053 7.92
1880 7.41
640 6.68
333 6.60
335 6.35
2579 5.75
1230 5.38
4684 5.02
5599 4.95
4571 4.75
1600 4.69
4263 4.22
5453 3.90
4773 3.52
375 3.31
5123 3.16
2895 3.15
3059 2.70
4012 2.31
271 2.24
514 2.00
5421 1.48
421 0.61
4383 0.09
3204 -3.61
5558 -3.83
5781 -4.06
2265 -4.72
4830 -5.84
4299 -8.28
1468 -9.36
5151 -10.08
5452 -10.87
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