From Madera, California, USA
aka Madera Unified School District/WestCoast Products/JBT FoodTech/PG&E/GBS Hardware/Evening Lions/Madera Fair/Kiwani's Madera/BK Lighting/BOEING&Madera High School
Rookie Year: 2004
Last competed in 2024
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Robot Name: ETR13

Event Results

Team 1323 was 27-17-2 in official play and 65-30-2 overall in 2017.

Central Valley Regional

in Madera, CA 93637, USA
to Week 2

Team 1323 was Rank 25 with a record of 10-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Engineering Inspiration Award
  • Regional Winners

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and won the event.

Captain 1678
Pick 1 1323
Pick 2 2135
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3045 2493 1323 2761 2085 3303 85 95
1323 1678 1671 1388 687 2493 162 125
5817 3495 1662 5104 1323 687 160 161
1072 4255 2813 973 6305 1323 160 296
4643 980 1323 294 2367 2135 118 190
670 973 3256 2643 1323 4276 309 100
3189 972 5134 5852 1323 852 155 211
5852 6650 751 1323 3501 6619 255 126
4643 2643 1422 4543 1868 1323 190 189
2135 1678 1323 5817 5134 294 288 115
2135 1678 1323 5817 5134 294 352 305
2135 1678 1323 1072 973 1662 257 191
2135 1678 1323 1072 973 1662 342 188
4255 5104 4276 1323 1678 2135 305 357
4255 5104 4276 1323 1678 2135 255 361

Sacramento Regional

in Davis, CA 95616, USA
to Week 4

Team 1323 was Rank 5 with a record of 8-5-1

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 1323
Pick 1 1671
Pick 2 5012
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4698 2551 1323 3013 692 5012 135 145
1662 1388 5458 4135 1323 3859 135 221
1323 973 6474 1700 3598 4669 325 312
3250 2102 3615 1072 701 1323 101 239
1323 2204 1671 6174 2543 1072 270 140
2073 5507 1323 6305 2085 100 328 253
2551 2141 3128 6644 1323 3189 255 255
199 701 1678 5458 1323 4171 316 276
5875 649 1323 6612 5507 973 255 210
5012 1323 1671 1700 4135 4543 261 305
5012 1323 1671 1700 4135 4543 398 265
5012 1323 1671 1700 4135 4543 297 285
2543 1678 973 1671 1323 5012 324 209
2543 1678 973 1671 1323 5012 321 309

Turing Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 1323 was Rank 14 with a record of 9-7-1 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Subdivision Finalist
  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 1296
Pick 1 1323
Pick 2 2473
Pick 3 6554
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1323 2102 3337 3103 2761 2990 231 230
283 4061 3737 5889 1323 4135 305 290
6390 1323 5908 2046 3245 1523 282 345
2473 5677 1323 5104 6225 3019 281 281
948 6390 1983 1323 3794 2352 245 320
3737 1323 2761 1165 2221 5829 313 297
1287 4587 6417 2907 1540 1323 306 293
1884 3997 3476 1323 6413 1661 325 348
16 108 4270 1323 4451 4206 348 385
4135 1595 6384 4738 6431 1323 305 210
1296 2473 1323 3737 1661 1540 462 397
1296 2473 1323 3737 1661 1540 466 397
1296 2473 1323 4587 5960 4206 360 484
1296 2473 1323 4587 5960 4206 464 425
1296 2473 1323 4587 5960 4206 331 236
1296 2473 1323 2046 1318 1595 271 503
1296 2473 1323 2046 1318 1595 424 461

Chezy Champs

in San Jose, CA, USA

Team 1323 was Rank 3 with a record of 12-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Finalist

Captain 1323
Pick 1 3309
Pick 2 5026
Pick 3 2073
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
696 2135 114 4904 1868 1323 195 220
1678 1700 3256 399 604 1323 349 200
649 3476 3925 1323 114 3309 262 311
1323 971 973 3309 115 1671 277 356
5012 973 5499 701 5818 1323 328 350
968 1323 5026 1538 5818 254 337 340
1323 5829 4990 6418 3859 1011 339 245
4990 2073 399 841 1323 3256 260 400
1323 5012 2073 968 4904 971 307 213
973 199 846 1700 649 1323 416 349
5026 701 649 5104 3647 1323 345 399
5026 3309 1323 3256 8 1700 484 235
5026 3309 1323 1700 3256 8 345 395
5026 3309 1323 1700 3256 8 506 440
5012 4990 1671 1323 3309 5026 235 193
5012 4990 1671 1323 3309 5026 145 476
4904 4990 1671 1323 3309 5026 255 500
1011 696 254 1323 3309 5026 522 373
1011 696 254 1323 3309 5026 341 503
1011 696 254 1323 3309 5026 527 461

Capital City Classic

in Elk Grove, CA, USA

Team 1323 was Rank 1 with a record of 13-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner
  • Innovation In Controls

Captain 1323
Pick 1 1678
Pick 2 973
Pick 3 4255B
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2643 114B 4255B 1323 5700 6174 210 260
5499 6662 2135 1678 3189 1323 140 333
701B 3189 2122 1323 114 1323B 222 321
5104B 5274 1323 1678 5940 3256 217 324
1323B 2073 3859 1323 2643 8B 346 220
3250 2122 1323 3256B 4643 4698 254 195
5940 2073 1323 5700 1323B 1671B 277 225
4171 1425 1323 8 5496 5274 352 205
701 973 5274 1323 5104 1662 165 317
973 1323 1678 1662 6174 3859 515 280
973 1323 1678 1662 6174 114 366 195
973 1323 1678 8B 5499 701B 225 260
973 1323 1678 8B 5499 701B 477 285
973 1323 1678 8B 5499 701B 330 290
973 1323 1678 2122 1671 2122B 537 344
973 1323 1678 2122 1671 2122B 460 224

MadTown Throwdown

in Madera, CA, USA

Team 1323 was Rank 1 with a record of 13-2-0

Captain 1323
Pick 1 973
Pick 2 971C
Pick 3 5012B
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
973 1323 4171B 2813 971C 1678 360 130
5700 1678C 2073B 1323 5817 6657 180 298
1323 5104 2813 6305 3495 2135 385 166
973B 5104B 973C 2073B 1323 5817C 245 197
5940 1678B 1671 5012 4255B 1323 211 326
3482 971B 2135B 2073 1323 4255 253 260
3482B 1323 1678B 4171 3303 5012B 347 160
1323 1836 971 1323B 3859 973 280 359
5700 4159B 5852 3482 1323 1671B 145 284
971C 1323 973 1678B 1836 3859 483 280
971C 1323 973 1678C 1678B 3859 370 173
971C 1323 973 971B 6174 5012 524 256
971C 1323 973 971B 6174 5012 492 290
971C 1323 973 971 5940 3482B 369 318
971C 1323 973 971 5940 3482B 259 248

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