Event Results

Team 973 was 44-6-0 during the 2021 offseason.

Titanium Group - INFINITE RECHARGE At Home Challenge

in Manchester, NH, USA
to INFINITE RECHARGE At Home Challenge

Team 973 was Rank 2 and won the following awards:

  • Skills Competition Finalist

No matches played.

Tidal Tumble

in Port Hueneme, California, United States

Team 973 was Rank 1 with a record of 14-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner

Captain 973
Pick 1 4414
Pick 2 599
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5199 3759 2584 973B 973 3476B 67 199
3512 3863 4414 973 3759 8006 181 145
973 2102 4414B 8006 2584 359 230 48
7415 5199B 973 3512 4414B 973B 132 157
973 3512 359 3863 3759 5818 216 49
599 5818 3476B 4414 973 2584 47 165
973 5199B 359 4414 3476 2102 180 127
8006 3476B 3512 973 5199 7157 58 205
7415 599 359 3925 4414 973 106 218
599 3759 3925 973 3476 3863 54 215
599 973 4414B 5199B 2102 3476B 234 126
5818 8006 973 5199B 7157 3925 170 29
4414 973 599 5199 5818 2584 221 93
4414 973 599 5199 5818 2584 207 177
4414 973 599 3476 4414B 3925 234 157
4414 973 599 3476 4414B 3925 226 184

Chezy Champs

in San Jose, CA, USA

Team 973 was Rank 2 with a record of 13-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner

Captain 1690
Pick 1 973
Pick 2 4499
Pick 3 846
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3476 973 2910 3859 3374 1619 243 181
649 973 4414 1351 115 8 213 151
115 973 1619 6328 4499 2659 232 162
604 1678 5104 973 8033 254 107 175
4414 2102 2168 1072 973 604 211 183
3647 1700 973 670 5460 2135 229 206
973 1868 5104 3538 846 971 204 227
649 5940 1072 2135 1690 973 123 303
3647 1671 1690 971 6328 973 255 238
5419 1700 5507 973 3859 2102 136 241
4499 973 1690 3538 5940 8033 293 162
846 973 1690 3538 8033 5940 282 151
4499 973 1690 5419 1678 2168 271 209
4499 973 1690 5419 1678 2168 338 231
4499 973 1690 1868 4414 2910 303 284
4499 973 1690 1868 4414 2910 320 278

Madtown Throwdown

in Madera, CA, USA

Team 973 was Rank 1 with a record of 17-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner

Captain 973
Pick 1 1678
Pick 2 6657
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
973 841 1678 971 5817 5940B 234 125
973 1678B 3859 852 973B 7419 173 142
6657B 973 973B 1678B 971 5104 193 204
3859 7419 1671 1662 973 1678C 142 200
4255 3970 7419 5817 1671 973 111 139
3859 4255B 6657B 6657 973 852 66 178
971B 973 1323 1678C 5104 6657 189 83
3859 1678B 973 971B 841 6657B 269 102
1671 1662 971B 5940 2073 973 156 234
1323 1678C 5817 5940 971 973 93 229
1678D 973 5817 1671 852 971B 180 156
1678 5104 4255B 973 1678D 5940B 63 216
6657 973 1678 7419 841 1678C 254 126
6657 973 1678 7419 841 1678C 191 98
6657 973 1678 3859 3970 973B 192 180
6657 973 1678 3859 3970 973B 221 170
6657 973 1678 4255B 971 1678B 235 169
6657 973 1678 4255B 971 1678B 221 147

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