Winners advance to the Einstein Field
George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, TX, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4099 3179 9016 930 8513 8608 50 87
5907 7421 190 9564 624 2539 79 93
9403 3950 7028 9709 3284 1640 92 79
9787 5002 7660 7426 2590 3847 33 115
45 2137 4362 7848 8727 5687 98 58
125 7226 2485 6045 1279 5409 97 65
9008 2129 9752 5152 1622 144 82 87
3181 9416 6988 2200 2481 2521 29 151
5667 503 1014 7197 4159 4043 56 131
1561 2530 5987 346 6672 7531 78 82
2412 2472 4131 8575 4635 3654 73 86
8882 7567 2145 7166 4476 2068 57 120
7660 365 7848 1912 1640 9564 81 56
5409 8727 7426 3950 9016 930 86 95
7421 1279 9403 3847 2137 144 62 119
1622 9709 3179 2481 5687 7226 67 118
2590 624 8513 7028 4362 1014 120 91
5002 125 1561 5152 2200 8608 86 128
8575 2129 6672 6988 4159 4099 77 65
9752 8882 503 2485 190 2472 88 62
9416 6045 7197 7166 5907 2145 53 115
2521 4635 2068 4043 5987 346 97 64
5667 2539 7531 365 4131 4476 94 82
2412 9008 45 9787 1912 3284 91 61
2530 7567 5409 3181 3654 4362 93 101
2481 144 1014 125 9016 9564 69 75
8575 930 5687 6672 7028 3847 93 127
1640 8513 2200 8727 4159 7421 119 76
5152 8882 2472 4099 5907 9709 71 110
9403 624 5987 5002 7226 2129 70 82
3950 7197 365 2068 1622 190 74 47
7166 346 6988 2412 503 9787 68 83
3284 7848 2590 7567 2521 2539 89 101
5667 7426 1561 2145 2485 3181 80 99
9416 3654 7531 3179 1912 9752 59 101
45 7660 1279 8608 4635 2530 58 122
2137 4043 4131 4476 9008 6045 79 75
2200 5002 5409 7028 9564 8882 101 53
365 9709 8575 624 930 7197 77 119
9016 5987 2472 1640 4362 9787 69 94
5907 3847 7226 6672 2521 503 84 97
1622 5667 4099 1561 7567 9403 93 67
7848 3181 2412 2590 9752 3950 66 110
5152 190 2145 8513 7531 4635 93 90
7660 2539 1912 2068 2137 2485 76 66
4131 3284 6045 144 2530 7421 44 107
4476 2481 4159 346 45 7426 101 55
3654 1014 5687 6988 8727 1279 74 39
125 8608 4043 2129 7166 9416 131 55
9564 5667 9008 4362 3179 3847 72 132
6672 9016 9752 7197 9403 2200 100 93
930 5907 4635 7531 3181 1640 143 60
1622 2145 5987 2137 8575 1912 96 66
9709 2068 5409 8513 144 2412 54 53
2521 5002 4159 190 4476 2530 65 85
503 5152 624 3654 7660 2481 100 68
2539 125 7166 7226 6988 45 119 73
2590 8608 5687 365 8882 9008 186 47
2129 7426 7028 2472 6045 7848 110 67
7421 9787 7567 4043 3950 3179 76 84
2485 346 3284 1014 4099 9416 73 29
1279 4131 2068 9752 1561 8727 40 122
4635 9016 2137 4159 5667 5907 90 90
930 1912 503 4362 5152 2530 107 122
9709 9564 9403 7531 2521 45 50 89
1640 6988 2590 5409 2145 7226 90 119
8608 144 7028 5987 2539 7197 99 113
4476 3654 6672 9787 7848 125 121 95
7421 2481 5002 4099 365 2412 82 81
6045 4043 8727 8882 1561 624 97 60
5687 2485 8513 4131 2129 3950 114 107
9416 1279 7426 7567 8575 9008 95 39
3284 3179 7166 3181 190 7660 50 107
3847 2472 2200 1014 1622 346 101 65
9564 2068 7531 9016 503 6988 46 65
7226 7848 4159 144 930 2145 76 99
3654 2590 5907 5987 4476 8608 101 114
4362 7421 1912 125 7197 8882 116 104
2137 365 2481 8513 1561 2129 129 119
3950 9787 2521 1279 8575 5152 102 91
2539 9752 2530 4043 9709 7426 134 82
4635 45 3179 2485 7028 2200 81 123
8727 2472 1622 6672 3284 7660 91 79
9008 1640 190 1014 2412 7567 47 83
346 3181 6045 9403 5687 5002 72 77
624 7166 4099 4131 5409 5667 104 83
3847 1561 9016 8882 9416 7848 94 56
2481 7197 9564 930 2590 1279 91 80
7226 7531 2137 8608 7426 9787 95 90
8575 4043 4362 5907 2485 144 102 92
3284 503 1622 4476 125 8513 92 86
2145 9008 3654 7660 7421 9709 73 85
6988 9403 3179 2472 2530 365 55 96
4635 6672 3950 5002 1014 7166 133 68
1912 7028 346 7567 8727 4131 111 66
5987 190 5667 5409 45 9416 68 45
6045 3847 5152 4159 2068 3181 132 45
2521 4099 1640 624 5687 9752 62 93
2200 2129 8882 2539 2412 930 99 96
7848 2145 8608 2481 3284 4043 121 84
2530 8575 2485 9016 2590 7421 116 117
7166 9787 3654 1561 9564 1622 87 69
7426 1014 5907 1912 9403 365 101 69
5002 8513 7567 45 7197 2472 79 86
190 3847 9709 6988 4131 5987 81 18
2068 7660 125 5687 7028 5667 96 114
4362 7226 4476 9752 4099 4635 119 112
144 3950 3181 9416 346 2137 116 72
6045 2539 6672 3179 1640 5152 145 103
2129 2521 8727 503 5409 9008 142 94
4159 2200 2412 1279 7531 624 93 46
2530 9403 8513 7848 7166 8575 88 78
4043 3847 45 3654 365 9016 102 79
4131 1014 9787 8882 2068 2481 43 43
5687 9564 3284 7426 5987 4635 86 110
7567 9752 930 2137 6988 125 99 83
7421 9416 4476 7028 5152 7226 80 117
503 4362 2539 2145 3950 5002 153 114
4159 5409 1561 3179 5907 7660 71 100
4099 144 1912 190 2200 2590 85 132
9008 8608 624 2472 6672 3181 107 79
1640 1279 346 9709 5667 2129 64 105
7197 2412 1622 2485 6045 2521 79 114
8727 125 8575 7531 2481 3847 128 125


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 2200 3847 2137 503
Alliance 2 4362 125 2129 5667
Alliance 3 2539 2481 930 365
Alliance 4 9752 6672 624 7660
Alliance 5 3950 5687 8727 5907
Alliance 6 8608 2530 2145 4043
Alliance 7 2521 4635 7421 2485
Alliance 8 2590 4476 7028 190

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3847 2137 2200 4476 7028 2590 123 155
9752 624 6672 3950 5687 8727 157 127
4362 2129 125 4635 7421 2521 119 146
930 2539 2481 2145 8608 2530 161 115

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3847 2137 2200 3950 5687 8727 111 87
4362 2129 125 2145 8608 2530 83 105
2590 7028 4476 6672 624 9752 88 128
2521 7421 4635 2481 2539 930 121 138

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2590 7028 4476 8608 2145 2530 149 120
2521 7421 4635 2200 2137 3847 107 103

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9752 624 6672 2481 2539 365 136 127
2521 4635 7421 4476 7028 2590 67 142

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
930 2539 2481 4476 7028 2590 111 142


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9752 624 6672 4476 7028 2590 123 127
9752 624 6672 4476 7028 2590 124 137

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 2200-3847-2137-503 0
8 2590-4476-7028-190 1
Match 7
8 2590-4476-7028-190 0
4 9752-6672-624-7660 1
Match 2
4 9752-6672-624-7660 1
5 3950-5687-8727-5907 0
Match 11
4 9752-6672-624-7660 1
3 2539-2481-930-365 0
Match 3
2 4362-125-2129-5667 0
7 2521-4635-7421-2485 1
Match 8
7 2521-4635-7421-2485 0
3 2539-2481-930-365 1
4 9752-6672-624-7660 0
8 2590-4476-7028-190 2
Match 4
3 2539-2481-930-365 1
6 8608-2530-2145-4043 0
Match 13
3 2539-2481-930-365 0
8 2590-4476-7028-190 1
Match 10
7 2521-4635-7421-2485 1
1 2200-3847-2137-503 0
Match 5
1 2200-3847-2137-503 1
5 3950-5687-8727-5907 0
Match 12
7 2521-4635-7421-2485 0
8 2590-4476-7028-190 1
Match 9
8 2590-4476-7028-190 1
6 8608-2530-2145-4043 0
Match 6
2 4362-125-2129-5667 0
6 8608-2530-2145-4043 1
Rank Team Ranking Score Avg Coop Avg Match Avg Auto Avg Stage Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 2200 3.80 0.90 108.90 32.10 16.00 9-1-0 0 10 38
2 4362 3.60 1.00 111.40 31.60 13.30 9-1-0 0 10 36
3 2539 3.40 1.00 106.80 33.40 11.20 9-1-0 0 10 34
4 3847 3.40 0.90 106.10 31.20 13.00 8-2-0 0 10 34
5 9752 3.10 0.90 98.20 32.50 6.70 8-2-0 0 10 31
6 3950 3.00 0.90 95.70 35.10 7.10 8-2-0 0 10 30
7 8608 3.00 0.60 107.70 38.40 12.20 8-2-0 0 10 30
8 2521 2.90 0.90 98.90 33.40 9.00 8-2-0 0 10 29
9 6672 2.90 0.80 98.30 32.20 7.60 8-2-0 0 10 29
10 2530 2.80 0.80 96.30 32.50 8.40 7-3-0 0 10 28
11 2590 2.70 1.00 102.80 40.10 11.70 6-4-0 0 10 27
12 503 2.70 1.00 88.60 30.70 9.70 7-3-0 0 10 27
13 5152 2.70 0.90 99.50 34.00 9.10 7-3-0 0 10 27
14 4635 2.70 0.80 103.70 33.70 9.20 6-3-1 0 10 27
15 2145 2.60 1.00 93.60 35.40 7.10 7-3-0 0 10 26
16 7226 2.60 0.90 95.90 27.90 8.40 7-3-0 0 10 26
17 624 2.60 0.90 86.80 28.90 8.00 7-3-0 0 10 26
18 2485 2.50 1.00 90.90 31.50 8.50 6-4-0 0 10 25
19 8513 2.50 1.00 89.70 32.50 13.00 5-5-0 0 10 25
20 7028 2.50 0.90 99.10 32.40 6.10 7-3-0 0 10 25
21 2481 2.50 0.90 96.00 25.20 7.80 6-3-1 0 10 25
22 4476 2.50 0.90 92.90 29.70 9.00 6-4-0 0 10 25
23 2129 2.40 0.90 95.40 33.50 7.10 6-4-0 0 10 24
24 5687 2.40 0.90 93.30 28.40 8.10 7-3-0 0 10 24
25 4043 2.40 0.90 86.90 29.00 10.20 7-3-0 0 10 24
26 125 2.40 0.70 99.40 32.30 13.00 4-6-0 0 10 24
27 930 2.30 1.00 96.70 32.60 5.40 6-4-0 0 10 23
28 7197 2.30 1.00 84.40 29.40 6.70 6-4-0 0 10 23
29 9016 2.30 1.00 78.60 27.10 9.20 6-3-1 0 10 23
30 5907 2.20 1.00 98.00 30.90 6.70 5-4-1 0 10 22
31 2137 2.20 0.90 86.30 23.10 12.10 5-4-1 0 10 22
32 190 2.20 0.80 77.50 27.20 9.20 6-4-0 0 10 22
33 144 2.10 0.90 84.30 29.20 8.00 5-5-0 0 10 21
34 8727 2.10 0.60 85.10 33.90 8.70 5-5-0 0 10 21
35 5667 2.00 1.00 82.00 26.90 6.10 5-4-1 0 10 20
36 7426 2.00 0.80 85.10 27.30 7.90 5-5-0 0 10 20
37 45 1.90 1.00 77.10 26.60 8.80 5-5-0 0 10 19
38 9709 1.90 1.00 74.80 25.50 6.40 5-5-0 0 10 19
39 7660 1.90 1.00 73.30 26.30 8.00 5-5-0 0 10 19
40 1622 1.90 1.00 72.90 24.20 7.40 5-5-0 0 10 19
41 7166 1.90 0.80 81.90 27.60 7.50 5-5-0 0 10 19
42 3179 1.80 1.00 77.50 27.70 8.50 4-6-0 0 10 18
43 7421 1.80 0.90 81.20 30.80 8.10 5-5-0 0 10 18
44 3181 1.80 0.90 70.70 22.80 9.40 4-6-0 0 10 18
45 9787 1.80 0.90 70.00 26.80 6.70 4-5-1 0 10 18
46 8575 1.80 0.70 82.10 29.60 6.90 4-6-0 0 10 18
47 365 1.70 1.00 76.90 22.80 8.10 4-6-0 0 10 17
48 5987 1.70 1.00 75.30 28.60 6.70 5-5-0 0 10 17
49 7531 1.70 0.80 76.20 27.20 8.40 4-6-0 0 10 17
50 5409 1.60 1.00 76.80 22.10 13.30 3-7-0 0 10 16
51 6045 1.60 0.90 84.20 29.20 8.40 4-6-0 0 10 16
52 1561 1.60 0.80 81.30 26.40 6.20 2-8-0 0 10 16
53 2472 1.60 0.80 72.60 23.00 9.80 4-6-0 0 10 16
54 7567 1.60 0.70 66.70 26.70 6.00 3-7-0 0 10 16
55 1912 1.50 0.90 79.70 27.30 6.60 4-6-0 0 10 15
56 4159 1.50 0.90 74.60 21.70 8.60 3-6-1 0 10 15
57 3654 1.50 0.80 81.80 29.50 4.80 5-5-0 0 10 15
58 2412 1.50 0.80 73.60 28.60 6.80 4-6-0 0 10 15
59 5002 1.50 0.70 74.30 29.00 10.00 4-6-0 0 10 15
60 9403 1.30 1.00 65.30 22.90 6.00 3-7-0 0 10 13
61 3284 1.30 0.90 69.30 24.00 4.40 2-8-0 0 10 13
62 2068 1.30 0.90 61.90 18.80 9.00 3-6-1 0 10 13
63 1014 1.30 0.70 63.40 23.20 7.00 3-6-1 0 10 13
64 4099 1.20 1.00 76.80 25.50 4.90 3-7-0 0 10 12
65 8882 1.20 1.00 67.80 24.30 5.80 2-7-1 0 10 12
66 9008 1.20 0.70 70.60 24.70 6.10 2-8-0 0 10 12
67 7848 1.10 1.00 78.20 29.10 7.50 2-8-0 0 10 11
68 1640 1.10 0.90 73.80 28.70 7.50 2-8-0 0 10 11
69 346 1.10 0.90 67.80 25.70 9.10 3-7-0 0 10 11
70 9564 0.90 0.90 54.80 17.90 3.80 2-7-0 1 10 9
71 4131 0.70 0.60 58.60 20.90 6.00 1-8-1 0 10 7
72 6988 0.60 0.90 54.10 20.30 4.90 1-9-0 0 10 6
73 1279 0.50 0.70 57.40 22.30 5.70 1-9-0 0 10 5
74 9416 0.40 0.80 52.40 18.70 5.10 1-9-0 0 10 4

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Kokomo, Indiana, USA
Revere, Massachusetts, USA
Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Richmond, Virginia, USA
Wilmington, Delaware, USA
Novi, Michigan, USA
Katy, Texas, USA
Mukwonago, Wisconsin, USA
Dublin, Ohio, USA
Somerville, New Jersey, USA
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Poway, California, USA
Downingtown, Pennsylvania, USA
Slidell, Louisiana, USA
Manassas, Virginia, USA
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Oxford, Michigan, USA
Linden, Michigan, USA
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Bellevue, Washington, USA
Circle Pines, Minnesota, USA
Tremont, Illinois, USA
San Diego, California, USA
Eugene, Oregon, USA
Rochester, Minnesota, USA
Palmyra, Pennsylvania, USA
Robbinsville, New Jersey, USA
Adair, Oklahoma, USA
Pittsford, New York, USA
Camdenton, Missouri, USA
Middletown, Connecticut, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
Glen Head, New York, USA
Lafayette, Oregon, USA
Poolesville, Maryland, USA
Renton, Washington, USA
San Francisco, California, USA
Brighton, Michigan, USA
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico
Collierville, Tennessee, USA
Otsego, Michigan, USA
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
New Albany, Ohio, USA
Portland, Maine, USA
Novi, Michigan, USA
Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Sartell, Minnesota, USA
Irving, Texas, USA
Karşıyaka, Izmir, Türkiye
Saint Michael, Minnesota, USA
Laingsburg, Michigan, USA
Jackson, Michigan, USA
Lansing, Michigan, USA
Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Dubuque, Iowa, USA
Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Pontiac, Illinois, USA
Morristown, New Jersey, USA
Due West, South Carolina, USA
Battle Creek, Michigan, USA
Asheville, North Carolina, USA
Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil
Clayton, North Carolina, USA
Syosset, New York, USA
Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
New Taipei City, New Taipei, Chinese Taipei
Chesterfield, Virginia, USA
Plano, Texas, USA
Baker, Florida, USA
Award Winner
Engineering Inspiration Award 9008
Rookie All Star Award 9787
Championship Division Winner 2590
Championship Division Winner 4476
Championship Division Winner 7028
Championship Division Winner 190
Championship Division Finalist 9752
Championship Division Finalist 6672
Championship Division Finalist 624
Championship Division Finalist 7660
Autonomous Award 1640
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 2412
Excellence in Engineering Award 3847
Gracious Professionalism Award 7426
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 7197
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 2200
Innovation in Control Award 930
Judges' Award 7421
Quality Award 125
Rookie Inspiration Award 9564
Team Spirit Award 7567
Team Sustainability Award sponsored by Dow 4131

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