Buckeye Regional 2011

to Week 6
Wolstein Center in Cleveland, OH, USA
http://www.firstbuckeye.org/ - details on firstinspires.org

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1014 3494 120 1038 1590 1559 9 62
2051 1787 1001 144 2941 2603 0 48
1450 3010 2252 156 888 963 62 45
2399 276 279 781 3264 3496 24 86
2632 3201 3777 1270 306 2010 36 10
1241 695 1308 964 3591 3356 18 4
2665 677 1317 3484 3193 174 0 64
3324 2350 3262 2197 1248 3652 49 0
2172 3138 1274 1126 1708 291 66 95
1629 379 3496 3266 2340 3264 102 1
1241 2941 2632 695 1014 1559 34 70
306 2603 3591 2665 3494 781 41 57
1787 3201 174 2051 3324 120 22 9
276 1590 291 3262 2010 888 3 75
3193 1708 3356 1001 2197 156 57 39
279 2252 1248 677 1038 1629 15 79
1274 3777 2350 2399 964 1450 0 12
144 2340 3138 1270 963 3010 70 6
1308 1317 3484 2172 3266 3652 0 9
1126 3201 1559 379 156 2665 90 48
3264 2603 3262 677 1014 2632 36 3
2197 174 291 1038 3496 695 29 90
1270 3138 3494 964 888 1241 36 39
2010 3591 2051 1317 2252 1001 53 36
2941 3484 120 1308 2350 379 0 4
3652 3356 1590 1450 1274 279 0 48
1248 3777 3324 3010 1708 2172 0 55
1126 144 781 1629 3193 3266 113 30
963 2340 276 306 2399 1787 0 0
2941 695 156 3494 3264 2010 60 22
1038 279 2051 1308 3138 2632 65 39
2197 3262 3591 3201 1274 3484 18 44
2665 3777 1014 1248 144 3356 6 0
1317 306 1629 1450 1708 2350 39 30
3010 1787 964 3266 2252 1559 10 50
174 2399 3652 1126 888 1270 4 36
2172 2603 3193 276 1241 379 79 70
3496 677 963 3324 1590 781 18 78
291 120 1248 1001 2340 3484 0 37
3494 306 279 144 3262 1317 106 9
3266 2941 174 3138 3591 3777 23 57
964 1270 2197 2051 3264 2172 3 10
2399 3193 1038 3201 2603 1450 69 40
2010 1708 2665 1241 3496 120 33 15
1559 781 963 291 1001 1308 112 0
2350 1590 1126 695 276 3010 78 14
2632 888 3356 379 2340 3324 23 62
156 1629 1014 677 3652 1787 75 3
2252 3264 306 1274 174 1241 45 18
964 144 3201 1248 1317 3496 19 32
1450 963 3494 2051 2665 2197 63 41
3262 1708 1590 2941 1270 781 40 79
1629 2399 120 2632 2172 3591 41 10
291 1038 1274 3324 3266 156 51 26
2010 2252 695 3193 3138 3652 70 82
3777 2340 1308 2603 1014 1126 0 92
677 276 3484 1559 3010 3356 2 75
379 1787 888 1001 2350 279 47 59
3266 1248 2665 2632 2051 1590 3 0
156 964 2010 1629 3262 174 75 69
1708 3324 1308 2399 144 2252 24 10
1559 3591 677 1450 2197 2340 57 9
781 1038 3484 1241 3777 1787 66 0
3496 888 2603 3356 306 2941 51 0
1001 3201 3138 3652 276 1014 70 6
1317 1274 1270 695 963 379 24 63
3264 120 279 1126 3193 3010 34 68
2350 3494 144 2172 291 677 38 47
306 174 1559 1248 1590 2603 63 18
781 3652 1708 964 2340 2051 95 28
1038 276 1308 1270 2665 1629 48 1
2197 379 3010 2010 1014 2399 50 51
3266 1241 1126 2350 963 3201 66 2
3324 1450 3484 2941 3138 279 36 94
2252 2172 1787 3356 291 3262 46 53
695 888 1317 120 156 3777 67 38
1001 2632 3193 3496 3494 1274 67 32
3264 3652 963 3591 1708 1038 0 75
964 3324 2603 2010 1126 3484 22 75
1629 291 3010 3201 2665 2941 116 14
156 2172 1241 279 1590 2340 47 30
1001 306 3266 695 677 2399 0 26
2197 3138 3356 1317 781 120 56 63
1274 1787 3264 1308 1248 3494 0 66
3193 3262 2051 3777 1559 888 58 93
1270 3496 1014 2350 2252 3591 57 51
2632 379 1450 276 144 174 72 56


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 781 1126 1241
Alliance 2 1559 3138 3010
Alliance 3 1038 3193 144
Alliance 4 695 379 2252
Alliance 5 1708 1629 156
Alliance 6 2010 888 2603
Alliance 7 2172 3494 3201
Alliance 8 3496 279 291

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1241 781 1126 3496 279 291 94 0
1241 781 1126 279 291 3496 106 45
379 695 2252 1629 1708 156 0 43
2252 379 695 1708 156 1629 49 77
3010 1559 3138 2172 3494 3201 72 54
3010 3138 1559 3201 2172 3494 98 67
3193 1038 144 2603 2010 888 95 44
1038 144 3193 888 2010 2603 98 51
781 1241 1126 1629 1708 156 112 64
1241 781 1126 1708 1629 156 92 0
1559 3010 3138 1038 144 3193 92 46
1559 3010 3138 1038 3193 144 0 87
3138 1559 3010 1038 144 3193 109 50
1126 1241 781 3010 3138 1559 72 85
1126 781 1241 3138 3010 1559 108 90
1126 1241 781 3010 3138 1559 109 112

Elimination Bracket



Rank Team Qual Score Ranking Score Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Qual Score/Match*
1 781 18 29.00 9-0-0 0 9 2.00
2 1126 18 28.44 9-0-0 0 9 2.00
3 1559 18 21.22 9-0-0 0 9 2.00
4 1038 18 19.66 9-0-0 0 9 2.00
5 3193 14 40.77 7-1-0 0 8 1.75
6 695 14 27.44 7-2-0 0 9 1.56
7 1708 14 26.66 7-2-0 0 9 1.56
8 2010 12 34.33 6-3-0 0 9 1.33
9 888 12 29.88 6-3-0 0 9 1.33
10 2172 12 29.55 6-3-0 0 9 1.33
11 3496 12 22.33 6-2-0 0 8 1.50
12 1629 12 20.88 6-3-0 0 9 1.33
13 1014 12 19.00 6-3-0 0 9 1.33
14 3138 10 37.55 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
15 379 10 36.77 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
16 279 10 26.66 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
17 1450 10 25.77 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
18 291 10 24.66 5-2-0 0 7 1.43
19 2603 10 22.88 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
20 3010 10 21.44 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
21 3201 10 18.77 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
22 3484 10 10.66 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
23 1308 10 9.00 5-4-0 0 9 1.11
24 306 9 14.66 4-3-1 0 8 1.12
25 2399 9 12.22 4-3-1 0 8 1.12
26 156 8 36.22 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
27 3262 8 28.33 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
28 3494 8 26.66 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
29 1317 8 25.55 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
30 1241 8 24.22 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
31 2350 8 22.55 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
32 3591 8 22.00 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
33 1001 8 19.11 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
34 2941 8 18.77 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
35 3324 8 17.00 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
36 3777 8 15.00 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
37 3264 8 12.88 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
38 677 8 10.11 4-5-0 0 9 0.89
39 963 7 16.44 3-5-1 0 9 0.78
40 2340 7 11.44 3-5-1 0 9 0.78
41 2252 6 33.44 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
42 174 6 25.44 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
43 964 6 21.55 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
44 1270 6 19.77 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
45 144 6 19.00 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
46 3356 6 18.88 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
47 1274 6 17.55 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
48 3652 6 12.33 3-6-0 0 9 0.67
49 1590 6 10.88 3-4-0 0 7 0.86
50 3266 6 9.44 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
51 1248 6 7.11 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
52 2632 4 19.44 2-5-0 0 7 0.57
53 2051 4 19.44 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
54 120 4 19.33 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
55 2665 4 17.00 2-3-0 0 5 0.80
56 276 3 20.55 1-7-1 0 9 0.33
57 1787 3 12.77 1-7-1 0 9 0.33
58 2197 0 27.22 0-8-0 0 8 0.00

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Fairview, Pennsylvania, USA
Liverpool, New York, USA
Youngstown, OH, USA
Maumee, Ohio, USA
Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
Corry, Pennsylvania, USA
Girard, Ohio, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Beachwood, Ohio, USA
Kincardine, Ontario, Canada
Glenelg, Maryland, USA
Columbus, OH, USA
Bedford, OH, USA
Lyndhurst, OH, USA
Dublin, Ohio, USA
Liberty Township , Ohio, USA
Webster, New York, USA
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Berea, Ohio, USA
Cleveland, OH, USA
Berea, OH, USA
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Rochester, New York, USA
Victor, New York, USA
Lorain, Ohio, USA
Accident, Maryland, USA
McKeesport, Pennsylvania, USA
Pepper Pike, Ohio, USA
Warren, Ohio, USA
Allison Park, Pennsylvania, USA
Lakewood, Ohio, USA
New Carlisle, Indiana, USA
Milan, Ohio, USA
Brighton, New York, USA
Columbus, OH, USA
Shaker Heights, Ohio, USA
Medina, Ohio, USA
Amherst, Ohio, USA
Dayton, Ohio, USA
Bellefontaine, OH, USA
Centerburg, Ohio, USA
Englewood, Ohio, USA
Austintown, Ohio, USA
Hamilton, Ohio, USA
Columbus, OH, USA
Norwalk, OH, USA
Eaton, Ohio, USA
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Marysville, Ohio, USA
Bloomington, Indiana, USA
Columbus, OH, USA
Westerville, Ohio, USA
Kenton, OH, USA
Lima, Ohio, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 3138
Engineering Inspiration 1629
Rookie All Star Award 3494
Woodie Flowers Award David Fort (1001)
Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Sally Harrington
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Lindsey Fox (1014)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Kyle Torrico (1014)
Winner 1559
Winner 3138
Winner 3010
Finalist 781
Finalist 1126
Finalist 1241
Coopertition Award 1038
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 1629
Engineering Excellence Award sponsored by Delphi 1038
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 3138
Excellence in Design Award sponsored by Autodesk 3010
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 279
Highest Rookie Seed 3496
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 1241
Industrial Design sponsored by General Motors 1559
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 1559
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 279
Judges Award 781
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 1126
Rookie Inspiration Award 3496
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 379
Website Award 781

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
781 60.22
1126 46.37
3138 45.36
1559 44.63
1629 37.48
379 37.10
279 32.64
1038 32.54
3193 31.12
156 28.29
2010 25.87
3494 25.69
1708 24.03
3496 23.70
888 21.63
291 21.29
695 21.07
2252 20.73
2603 20.69
3262 17.90
3010 16.81
174 16.60
1450 15.65
2172 15.27
2941 13.13
1014 12.37
3201 11.89
1241 11.21
3324 10.76
2051 10.14
1001 9.93
3591 8.60
2340 8.22
1317 8.00
306 7.70
144 6.67
3777 5.49
2350 5.28
3484 5.20
2632 5.08
964 3.51
1274 2.86
2197 2.66
677 1.67
276 1.41
3652 1.34
3356 0.08
963 -0.45
1248 -0.52
3264 -1.32
2399 -1.56
1590 -3.68
1787 -7.00
1308 -8.68
2665 -9.00
3266 -9.33
1270 -10.21
120 -10.36
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