Winners advance to the Einstein Field (Houston)
George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, TX, USA
details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4915 5429 4965 1619 4488 832 258 310
3835 4635 3309 2996 5002 3039 346 210
1868 1410 6340 6429 114 5516 282 310
2682 6434 2543 2587 5818 5496 215 305
3562 6754 4941 2383 5663 4005 240 311
3132 6517 4403 6305 3931 3314 169 199
2444 2896 2583 1836 4944 2950 200 235
5454 6055 5431 2903 5737 4613 205 243
5588 6442 6023 5458 4400 2910 255 301
6366 2230 4513 1912 1744 1778 350 333
5705 2848 5887 281 604 4401 281 325
1319 6429 2896 4941 6517 5663 275 210
2583 5818 2543 6340 5431 3132 200 295
6754 2996 3314 5516 832 2682 259 306
4403 5496 3039 1836 4488 1410 305 350
4513 4400 4005 5458 6366 281 135 353
1744 3835 5429 114 5454 5705 257 195
2848 2444 2903 4635 2230 6023 245 230
6442 1319 5737 6434 5002 4915 255 273
4944 4613 5588 2383 1912 2587 323 251
1619 6055 4401 1778 3309 1868 300 383
6305 5887 2910 2950 3562 4965 314 195
3931 4513 4635 604 2583 832 256 306
5002 6429 5431 3314 2896 4400 255 295
6340 5663 4613 4403 6434 1836 237 245
1744 2383 6442 3132 5516 5429 243 305
114 281 4488 6305 4401 5588 257 287
2543 1319 2950 6366 3039 2848 215 359
3931 2444 5705 1868 2903 1912 289 295
6023 3835 3562 5496 6055 6517 250 215
5887 3309 5454 4915 6754 2587 235 294
5458 1410 4944 4941 4965 2682 286 345
5818 604 1778 5737 4005 2910 210 253
5588 1619 2230 3931 2996 1319 357 298
4635 1744 281 2896 6340 6442 292 238
5516 6434 6366 4488 2444 6517 220 310
5429 2543 4401 6754 2903 4944 205 307
4400 3309 6055 604 1912 6305 276 285
1836 4513 4965 4915 5431 3835 255 314
1778 2848 4005 6429 2583 4403 320 230
2230 4941 832 5002 2950 5887 330 230
5737 2682 114 3039 5663 6023 285 235
3562 3132 2587 5705 5458 2996 231 255
2383 1868 3314 5454 2910 5496 334 191
1410 4613 2444 5818 1619 281 337 329
4005 1836 5887 5588 5429 4400 135 370
6429 6305 2903 832 6434 3835 190 315
4635 114 2950 5458 3132 1778 285 352
5454 4915 5516 2583 5496 5663 178 195
5705 6442 6754 4513 4403 6055 100 330
3562 5737 6366 4401 4941 3931 195 339
5002 6517 2383 1410 5431 604 136 255
2996 4613 2682 2896 2910 2543 346 286
2230 3039 1912 1619 6340 3314 260 345
3309 4944 1744 5818 2848 4488 254 370
4965 2587 1868 6023 1319 4005 285 305
5431 6754 6434 3562 4635 5588 250 275
5496 832 3132 2444 4400 5663 344 235
6340 5458 5454 6366 5705 5002 307 255
4941 604 4488 6442 2996 2903 352 135
6429 3039 281 2587 3931 2910 310 264
2896 4944 1778 3835 5516 1319 302 255
2583 4401 1744 4965 3314 4613 288 343
114 1912 6023 4403 4915 2543 225 214
1836 2383 2848 5737 6305 1868 288 195
3309 1619 6517 4513 2682 5887 390 250
5429 1410 5818 6055 2950 2230 255 255
4488 4401 2910 1319 5454 4635 256 285
2444 2587 2996 4400 4965 6340 255 353
604 6366 5496 6754 5588 6429 285 185
6517 281 1868 1744 2543 832 333 355
6434 4941 6055 1619 1836 3132 305 300
5002 4613 5516 6023 5429 4513 211 300
5737 2896 1912 5458 5887 2583 235 250
2383 4403 114 3309 2230 5818 280 309
5663 3835 2848 1410 3931 6442 225 287
3314 1778 2682 4915 3562 2903 351 226
4944 6305 5705 5431 4005 3039 160 330
2950 6754 6517 2996 6340 5737 215 284
5454 832 1836 1319 5818 1912 143 305
4513 2543 6442 6429 2444 4401 310 285
2583 4488 5002 114 1868 3562 260 305
5431 2910 5516 2848 1619 5458 296 345
2903 5588 2587 1410 2950 1744 355 325
604 3132 4005 3835 2682 2230 314 295
6366 6023 4965 3309 5705 2896 350 191
6055 3314 5663 4944 281 5887 335 253
3931 3039 4400 6434 1778 2383 289 305
4915 6305 5496 4613 4635 4941 309 346
4403 1319 2444 5429 3562 604 235 275
4965 2903 2910 3132 5002 6754 349 294
4005 832 6340 1410 6023 4401 308 255
5458 1836 3931 2543 3314 3309 308 345
5818 4915 4513 3039 5588 2896 365 240
1744 5737 4400 3835 4403 1619 210 314
2950 5705 6429 4613 2383 4488 187 297
6434 5496 5887 4944 114 2996 195 277
2587 5516 5663 4635 6366 6055 235 221
6305 6442 2230 2583 2682 1868 230 355
281 1912 5429 5431 1778 4941 258 350
2848 5454 5588 6517 4965 3039 255 309
6340 5887 2383 1319 4513 2903 313 245
1410 2543 4400 5737 5705 4635 255 100
5002 2896 2682 3931 4488 6055 255 294
5516 281 3562 2230 6429 1836 206 230
6754 5458 6305 4915 1744 2444 280 317
3309 2583 2910 5429 6517 6434 330 305
4613 2587 832 1778 6442 114 349 305
1619 4944 604 3132 6023 5454 371 302
3314 3835 5818 4941 1868 6366 374 255
5431 2950 2996 5663 4401 4403 320 330
1912 4005 5002 5496 2848 2896 110 285


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 1619 3309 1319 4944
Alliance 2 3314 3132 1410 3039
Alliance 3 604 2848 1868 2903
Alliance 4 832 4941 4965 6340
Alliance 5 4613 5458 5429 2587
Alliance 6 4488 5431 281 5588
Alliance 7 1778 2682 4513 4915
Alliance 8 3835 5818 2910 2230

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1619 1319 3309 3835 2910 5818 345 401
1619 1319 3309 3835 2910 5818 457 507
4965 832 4941 4613 5458 5429 235 473
4965 4941 6340 4613 5458 5429 287 426
3314 3039 3132 4513 1778 2682 419 470
1410 3314 3132 4513 1778 2682 322 255
1410 3314 3132 4915 1778 2682 482 452
604 1868 2848 281 4488 5431 447 237
604 2903 2848 281 5588 4488 428 308
5818 2910 3835 4613 5458 5429 398 459
5818 2910 3835 4613 5458 5429 450 461
1410 3314 3132 2848 1868 604 406 452
1410 3314 3132 2848 2903 604 433 395
1410 3314 3132 2848 2903 604 259 395
5429 5458 4613 2848 2903 604 237 445
5429 5458 4613 2848 2903 604 217 450

Playoff Bracket



Rank Team Ranking Score Match Points Auto Rotor Touchpad Pressure Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 1619 2.80 3361 713 1500 1100 411 7-3-0 0 10 28
2 3309 2.30 3059 682 1260 1100 464 6-4-0 0 10 23
3 3314 2.20 3180 664 1380 1200 150 9-1-0 0 10 22
4 604 2.20 2978 490 1420 1250 63 9-1-0 0 10 22
5 832 2.10 3066 729 1420 1300 91 9-1-0 0 10 21
6 4613 2.10 3032 602 1320 1250 277 8-2-0 0 10 21
7 4488 2.00 3056 821 1560 1150 116 7-3-0 0 10 20
8 2848 2.00 2973 549 1520 1100 63 7-3-0 0 10 20
9 1778 1.90 3211 611 1460 1300 106 7-3-0 0 10 19
10 5458 1.90 3037 676 1480 1250 107 7-3-0 0 10 19
11 3835 1.90 2945 638 1460 1100 130 7-3-0 0 10 19
12 4941 1.80 3072 710 1500 1200 52 7-3-0 0 10 18
13 5818 1.70 3022 725 1460 1150 137 6-3-1 0 10 17
14 6340 1.70 2962 672 1440 1200 67 7-3-0 0 10 17
15 2903 1.70 2590 527 1440 900 50 6-4-0 0 10 17
16 2682 1.60 3003 708 1460 1300 48 6-4-0 0 10 16
17 4944 1.60 2768 441 1360 1100 128 6-4-0 0 10 16
18 4965 1.50 3042 597 1420 1300 67 6-4-0 0 10 15
19 5588 1.50 2902 464 1420 1150 47 6-4-0 0 10 15
20 2910 1.50 2840 575 1400 1150 75 5-5-0 0 10 15
21 3132 1.40 2906 853 1320 1150 266 5-5-0 0 10 14
22 5431 1.40 2870 693 1540 1100 30 5-5-0 0 10 14
23 2230 1.40 2846 563 1420 1050 66 5-4-1 0 10 14
24 5429 1.40 2788 518 1440 1050 28 5-4-1 0 10 14
25 4400 1.40 2719 563 1440 950 84 5-5-0 0 10 14
26 4005 1.40 2521 453 1140 1100 16 7-3-0 0 10 14
27 1410 1.30 2887 652 1440 1150 42 5-4-1 0 10 13
28 2587 1.30 2824 593 1300 1250 89 5-5-0 0 10 13
29 2383 1.30 2758 592 1300 1150 73 6-4-0 0 10 13
30 1868 1.20 3022 590 1340 1250 57 5-5-0 0 10 12
31 6366 1.20 2843 513 1280 1250 13 5-5-0 0 10 12
32 4513 1.20 2796 568 1420 1000 31 5-5-0 0 10 12
33 4635 1.20 2636 558 1240 1100 91 5-5-0 0 10 12
34 2583 1.20 2614 577 1340 1050 49 5-5-0 0 10 12
35 1836 1.20 2489 405 1200 1100 59 5-5-0 0 10 12
36 6055 1.10 2736 785 1300 1000 131 4-5-1 0 10 11
37 114 1.10 2724 454 1260 1200 4 5-5-0 0 10 11
38 6023 1.10 2707 636 1320 1100 37 5-5-0 0 10 11
39 2996 1.10 2639 604 1420 950 59 4-6-0 0 10 11
40 5663 1.10 2548 333 1260 950 8 5-5-0 0 10 11
41 281 1.00 2916 613 1380 1250 71 4-6-0 0 10 10
42 4915 1.00 2748 405 1100 1200 268 5-5-0 0 10 10
43 5496 1.00 2629 411 1160 1250 69 5-5-0 0 10 10
44 6434 1.00 2628 507 1120 1300 28 5-5-0 0 10 10
45 5516 1.00 2522 524 1240 950 77 4-6-0 0 10 10
46 3562 1.00 2398 512 1200 900 78 4-6-0 0 10 10
47 1744 0.90 2874 546 1320 1250 74 4-6-0 0 10 9
48 4401 0.90 2870 611 1340 1250 55 4-6-0 0 10 9
49 3039 0.90 2847 540 1360 1250 32 4-6-0 0 10 9
50 2444 0.90 2708 532 1360 1150 48 4-6-0 0 10 9
51 1319 0.90 2673 503 1320 1200 3 4-6-0 0 10 9
52 4403 0.90 2652 479 1220 1050 87 4-6-0 0 10 9
53 2543 0.90 2600 542 1240 1000 70 4-6-0 0 10 9
54 1912 0.90 2557 572 1260 1100 7 4-6-0 0 10 9
55 3931 0.80 2823 436 1200 1350 53 4-6-0 0 10 8
56 6517 0.80 2592 539 1200 1100 62 3-7-0 0 10 8
57 2896 0.80 2507 347 1260 1000 57 3-7-0 0 10 8
58 6429 0.80 2457 247 1200 1050 7 4-6-0 0 10 8
59 6305 0.80 2449 280 1120 1100 44 4-6-0 0 10 8
60 5737 0.80 2255 343 1100 950 20 4-6-0 0 10 8
61 5887 0.70 2456 591 1220 1000 61 3-7-0 0 10 7
62 2950 0.50 2462 452 1260 1000 2 1-8-1 0 10 5
63 5454 0.50 2296 442 1080 950 121 2-8-0 0 10 5
64 6754 0.40 2424 655 1240 900 74 2-8-0 0 10 4
65 6442 0.40 2358 403 1240 800 18 2-8-0 0 10 4
66 5002 0.30 2234 544 1120 800 124 1-9-0 0 10 3
67 5705 0.30 2013 357 1100 650 53 1-9-0 0 10 3

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Los Altos, California, USA
Greenville, South Carolina, USA
San Jose, California, USA
Roswell, Georgia, USA
Mauldin, South Carolina, USA
Denver, Colorado, USA
Longmont, Colorado, USA
Naples, Florida, USA
Mountlake Terrace, Washington, USA
Los Angeles, California, USA
Mountain View, California, USA
Slidell, Louisiana, USA
Herzliya, HaMerkaz, Israel
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Chula Vista, California, USA
Austin, Texas, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
Farmville, North Carolina, USA
Dallas, Texas, USA
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Arlington, Washington, USA
Mill Creek, Washington, USA
Waco, Texas, USA
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Destrehan, Louisiana, USA
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Anaheim, California, USA
Clifton, New Jersey, USA
Pocatello, Idaho, USA
Tel Aviv, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Chickasha, Oklahoma, USA
Fort Gibson, Oklahoma, USA
TORREON, Coahuila, Mexico
Laguna del Rey Coahuila, Coahuila, Mexico
Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico
Hillsboro, Oregon, USA
Medical Lake, Washington, USA
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico
Bainbridge Island, Washington, USA
Macon, Georgia, USA
Grand Junction, Colorado, USA
Anderson, South Carolina, USA
Collierville, Tennessee, USA
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Plano, Texas, USA
Bentonville, Arkansas, USA
Woodland, California, USA
Vacaville, California, USA
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Seattle, Washington, USA
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico
Beijing, Beijing, China
Santa Barbara, California, USA
Puebla, Puebla, Mexico
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Batesville, Arkansas, USA
Fresno, California, USA
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Simpsonville, South Carolina, USA
BORNOVA, Izmir, Türkiye
Bossley Park, New South Wales, Australia
Pendleton, Oregon, USA
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Edinburg, Texas, USA
Award Winner
Championship Subdivision Winner 604
Championship Subdivision Winner 2848
Championship Subdivision Winner 1868
Championship Subdivision Winner 2903
Championship Subdivision Finalist 4613
Championship Subdivision Finalist 5458
Championship Subdivision Finalist 5429
Championship Subdivision Finalist 2587
Championship Division Highest Rookie Seed 6340
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 4513
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 6366
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 4488
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 4613
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 6429
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 1319
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 5588

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
3309 132.78
1619 129.49
5458 127.09
3314 126.81
832 123.86
5588 121.59
2848 121.34
3132 118.90
2910 118.20
1778 117.30
2682 116.85
4941 115.91
4613 115.19
1319 114.12
114 112.90
1868 112.83
4915 112.63
6340 112.60
3039 110.49
4965 110.03
4488 109.47
5431 107.15
604 106.68
6366 106.48
1744 106.39
4513 105.25
281 104.03
1410 98.89
5818 97.86
3931 97.45
4401 96.88
3835 95.36
2383 95.14
5429 95.12
2587 94.89
2444 94.03
2230 91.66
6023 90.85
4944 88.74
6055 86.30
6434 85.22
2950 84.93
5496 82.14
4403 80.99
2996 79.37
4635 79.04
6429 77.88
2903 75.96
4400 75.79
1912 72.52
2896 71.63
5887 70.64
2583 70.20
5663 69.29
6754 68.19
6305 65.70
6517 65.29
4005 62.76
2543 62.71
5516 62.13
6442 58.47
1836 57.83
5002 53.81
5737 51.64
3562 47.79
5705 33.99
5454 30.99


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Mobility 637 672 94.79%
Teleop Takeoff (Climb) 496 672 73.81%
Pressure (kPa) Achieved 23 224 10.27%
Rotor 1 Engaged (Auto) 136 224 60.71%
Rotor 2 Engaged (Auto) 1 224 0.45%
Rotor 1 Engaged 224 224 100.00%
Rotor 2 Engaged 223 224 99.55%
Rotor 3 Engaged 189 224 84.38%
Rotor 4 Engaged 34 224 15.18%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + kPa & Rotor Bonuses)
5 224 2.23%

Match Statistics

Highest Pressure (kPa) 71 in Q38
High Score 390 in Q66
Average Match Score 274.51
Average Winning Score 309.58
Average Win Margin 70.14
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 14.22 -- --
Average Rotor Points 36.70 95.18 131.88
Average Fuel Points 4.33 3.93 8.26
Average High Goals 4.15 12.10 16.25
Average Low Goals 0.65 0.07 0.72
Average Takeoff (Climb) Points -- 110.71 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 9.44
Average Score 55.25 209.82 274.51


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Mobility 96 96 100.00%
Teleop Takeoff (Climb) 80 96 83.33%
Pressure (kPa) Achieved 0 32 0.00%
Rotor 1 Engaged (Auto) 26 32 81.25%
Rotor 2 Engaged (Auto) 2 32 6.25%
Rotor 1 Engaged 32 32 100.00%
Rotor 2 Engaged 32 32 100.00%
Rotor 3 Engaged 32 32 100.00%
Rotor 4 Engaged 22 32 68.75%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + kPa & Rotor Bonuses)
0 32 0.00%

Match Statistics

Highest Pressure (kPa) 31 in QF2-2
High Score 507 in QF1-2
Average Match Score 387.75
Average Winning Score 440.69
Average Win Margin 105.88
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 15.00 -- --
Average Rotor Points 52.50 112.50 165.00
Average Fuel Points 5.66 2.56 8.22
Average High Goals 5.59 8.16 13.75
Average Low Goals 0.34 0.09 0.44
Average Takeoff (Climb) Points -- 125.00 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 5.78
Average Score 73.16 308.81 387.75
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