From Toluca, Mexico, Mexico
aka SEP EDOMEX/Topos Hidromecánicos Mexicanos S.A. de C.V./GM/TV Azteca/BOSCH/INSTEC Integradora Nacional en Sistemas y Tecnología/INGETEC MEXICO&CBT NO. 4 TOLUCA
Rookie Year: 2011
Last competed in 2024
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Event Results

Team 3522 was 10-5-0 in official play in 2018.

Monterrey Regional

in Monterrey, MEX 64849, Mexico
to Week 1

Team 3522 was Rank 6 with a record of 10-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 3522
Pick 1 6348
Pick 2 6694
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6652 5696 5133 6017 3354 3522 41 230
3522 6652 6820 5716 4010 7102 176 117
3522 6666 6170 6820 4746 6605 212 30
4731 4775 6156 6965 3522 4782 196 176
4635 5696 3522 6983 6694 4731 322 196
3527 3933 4401 4775 3522 6106 129 385
3510 6010 6017 3522 7102 5887 189 280
4635 3526 5344 3522 6407 5874 267 279
4731 3522 5932 4584 6507 3478 141 273
3158 6483 3522 4775 3472 6348 106 254
4010 3522 5133 6200 5887 6983 284 147
4584 6106 4401 6348 3522 6694 225 285
4584 6106 3794 6348 3522 6694 190 247
3526 3478 5716 6348 3522 6694 411 105
3526 3478 5716 6348 3522 6694 451 191

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