From Newark, Delaware, USA
aka Saviak, Inc./Greenhill Pharmacy/Delmarva Power/Greenhill Charitable Foundation&4-H
Rookie Year: 2014
Last competed in 2020
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Robot Name: DragoNogarD

Event Results

Team 4954 was 22-21-1 in official play and 47-41-1 overall in 2016.

As a member of the FIRST Mid-Atlantic district, Team 4954 ranked 53 having earned 92 points.

MAR District - Seneca Event

in Tabernacle, NJ 08088, USA
to Week 3

Team 4954 was Rank 25 with a record of 6-8-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 7 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 1647
Pick 1 5420
Pick 2 4954

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 11
Alliance Points 7
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 18
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MAR District - Westtown Event

in West Chester, PA 19382, USA
to Week 5

Team 4954 was Rank 9 with a record of 12-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 6 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 4954
Pick 1 341
Pick 2 484

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 16
Alliance Points 11
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 0
Total Points 47
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5490 484 1218 4954 1168 2559 99 85
484 2607 3929 1143 4954 321 85 112
486 484 4954 5420 321 316 80 60
103 5407 1712 225 4653 4954 83 126
4954 1370 4373 3974 486 4342 82 88
4954 4637 708 423 1218 816 79 59
1218 272 5401 2607 4954 3974 111 95
2539 1218 4954 4653 1143 708 94 118
5407 4954 816 1391 1370 341 89 73
433 3151 4954 1168 1391 5490 86 73
486 4637 5404 341 423 4954 66 118
433 708 1712 365 4954 4342 97 101
5404 5401 321 341 4954 484 99 108
486 5401 321 341 4954 484 98 139
365 708 2559 341 4954 484 108 119
365 708 2559 341 4954 484 122 129
1640 225 1391 341 4954 484 151 124
1640 225 1391 341 4954 484 145 145

Mid-Atlantic Robotics District Championship

in Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA
to Week 7

Team 4954 was Rank 47 with a record of 4-7-1

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 27
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 27
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MidKnight Mayhem IV

in Plainsboro, NJ, USA

Team 4954 had a record of 3-3-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
75 1923 4954 5895 4575 4012 64 89
5624 2191 1218 1257 5895 4954 80 100
303 555 806 5624 423 4954 34 60
2607 4361 4954 3142 316 102 84 95
4954 4653 2590 869 1640 293 95 155
225 1640 4954 11 3142 4653 170 77

West Virginia RObotics eXtreme

in Morgantown, WV, USA

Team 4954 had a record of 17-13-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9999 4954 2655 2614 456 4505 38 118
2614 3492 4954 4505 1126 1629 115 88
9999 4467 686 2614 4954 3511 91 116
4954 2655 48 2614 3492 1325 79 88
4954 888 4467 1126 1708 3260 86 76
1629 4265 4954 1071 48 5418 105 79
456 3511 1325 5418 4954 2656 132 99
5418 3492 3193 3260 4954 1126 65 79
4505 1325 4954 4467 888 3844 104 85
9999 1629 4954 1325 3844 3504 80 93
4954 1708 3844 3260 1629 9999 86 52
4265 888 686 456 3492 4954 108 94
1708 3260 4954 9999 1071 2655 99 77
3504 456 1126 3511 1325 4954 120 63
2656 2614 48 888 3504 4954 109 108
2656 3511 3504 48 3193 4954 90 124
3260 2614 1071 3504 686 4954 66 73
4467 456 4505 1071 4954 1708 92 78
4265 1629 4467 4954 686 3511 99 98
4265 5418 4954 48 3492 2655 121 95
3844 4505 1708 4954 48 1071 87 96
4467 1126 3260 2614 4954 3492 90 130
888 1071 2614 4954 4505 5418 107 91
456 3511 4954 9999 48 888 122 63
2656 1325 4954 1071 3492 686 98 77
2655 3193 1629 4467 686 4954 91 109
3504 1126 4954 456 4265 3844 84 115
4265 3844 5418 4505 4954 2655 107 135
4265 3844 5418 4505 4954 2655 142 104
4265 3844 5418 4505 4954 2655 132 103

Duel on the Delaware

in Carney's Point, NJ, USA

Team 4954 had a record of 5-4-0

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Robot Name: DragoNogarD

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