From Owosso, Michigan, USA
aka Wooden Crate Popcorn/FORD Motor Company/Allied Motion&Owosso High School
Rookie Year: 2014
Last competed in 2024
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Event Results

Overall, Team 5260 had an average qual score of 97.87 and an average playoff score of 63.80 in 2015.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 5260 ranked 55 having earned 138 points.

FIM District - Standish Event

in Standish, MI, USA
to Week 1

Team 5260 was Rank 3 with an average qual score of 48.42 and an average playoff score of 54.20

Captain 5260
Pick 1 3770
Pick 2 5661

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 20
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 45
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5260 5706 5166 5712 5247 5661 22 6
5560 4835 5260 4398 5712 5156 22 28
1025 5509 5424 5702 5661 5260 50 30
4970 5260 5547 5224 4835 3602 34 29
5260 3570 5424 4375 5706 3617 66 64
5260 5562 4398 5714 5575 5706 40 13
5702 5183 4827 5260 5504 5603 16 28
5661 4375 5193 5260 1243 3617 8 30
4715 5562 5538 4827 5712 5260 88 88
5260 5714 5525 5424 4983 5086 72 64
5260 5086 5524 3770 5560 5603 68 76
2246 5231 4398 5183 5260 5509 76 81
3770 5260 5661 2246 5562 5424 58 64
3770 5260 5661 503 5575 5193 49 62
5509 5603 3570 3770 5260 5661 62 76
3602 1025 5524 3770 5260 5661 109 49
2246 5562 5424 3770 5260 5661 67 39

FIM District - Lansing Event

in Mason, MI, USA
to Week 6

Team 5260 was Rank 5 with an average qual score of 79.00 and an average playoff score of 73.40

Captain 5260
Pick 1 3546
Pick 2 5235

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 19
Alliance Points 14
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 43
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
314 5704 5661 5260 4408 5460 42 38
3655 3546 5260 703 5233 3568 70 15
5661 5260 5533 5235 5559 3655 122 75
3707 322 5697 1684 5260 3535 24 28
308 5084 5260 3655 5316 703 81 59
5282 5205 5260 5523 3535 3667 57 58
703 5260 4568 1684 5502 4216 31 34
322 5447 4568 5260 5523 5316 48 92
4776 858 1502 314 322 5260 123 100
1684 5527 308 5260 68 5251 68 158
3536 5282 5559 5676 5260 3568 132 83
4998 5260 1502 5694 3568 5205 88 14
3546 5260 5235 703 5460 3535 69 101
3546 5260 5235 5661 4216 5523 94 51
3536 858 5533 3546 5260 5235 122 76
68 314 1684 3546 5260 5235 125 88
703 5460 3535 3546 5260 5235 139 40

FIRST in Michigan District Championship

in Grand Rapids, MI, USA
to Week 7

Team 5260 was Rank 34 with an average qual score of 145.67

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 45
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 45
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Carver Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 5260 was Rank 40 with an average qual score of 122.50

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