From East China, Michigan, USA
aka Yukon Construction/Magna Electric Vehicle Structures - Michigan/FCA Foundation, the charitable arm of Stellantis./Cargill Community Cares&Marine City High School&St Clair High School
Rookie Year: 2016
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Robot Name: FLURB

Event Results

Team 5843 was 29-22-0 in official play and 36-35-0 overall in 2018.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 5843 ranked 100 having earned 133 points.

FIM District Southfield Event

in Southfield, MI 48033, USA
to Week 1

Team 5843 was Rank 4 with a record of 12-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 573
Pick 1 5843
Pick 2 4758

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 19
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 44
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
835 4840 5197 5619 1701 5843 21 364
5531 5843 1481 5619 6567 6136 454 69
67 7232 4840 4838 4680 5843 65 397
4680 573 3547 4758 6150 5843 359 184
1481 6136 1701 4854 5843 7218 196 318
5843 5436 5217 6742 4737 3302 278 181
4758 5065 4838 5843 5167 6633 301 282
33 6862 4854 67 3302 5843 227 350
3547 5843 4768 6096 5901 4854 374 69
7218 5167 5467 5843 5642 6862 255 275
5843 33 94 5197 4768 7196 394 107
4840 5843 5901 6150 6057 3538 201 338
5843 573 4758 4737 94 4838 371 97
5843 573 4758 4737 94 4838 410 130
5843 573 4758 4680 67 7218 301 347
5843 573 4758 4680 67 7218 442 241
5843 573 4758 4680 67 7218 268 327

FIM District Gull Lake Event

in Richland, MI 49083, USA
to Week 3

Team 5843 was Rank 4 with a record of 13-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist
  • Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 5152
Pick 1 5843
Pick 2 7256

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 19
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 59
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6138 6090 7256 5559 5843 6137 277 267
1025 6425 1254 5248 6588 5843 329 227
6588 7054 6137 4408 5843 5161 128 365
6138 6011 5843 4408 3538 6550 267 397
5843 3538 1025 5194 6568 6053 482 101
5843 1940 5462 6137 5161 6092 412 160
7054 5843 858 5204 4967 6053 368 156
4453 4381 4855 5675 6094 5843 285 418
7256 5843 5204 1677 4453 6119 445 116
5843 1254 5152 6580 6011 5204 413 130
6550 1243 5843 6568 7187 7054 463 174
1243 5152 3538 5843 5623 4381 286 220
5843 5152 7256 1243 6550 4967 406 209
5843 5152 7256 1243 6550 4967 375 233
5843 5152 7256 4855 7054 5204 156 334
5843 5152 7256 4855 7054 5204 412 192
5843 5152 7256 4855 7054 5204 343 291
6090 3538 4453 5843 5152 7256 237 252
6090 3538 4453 5843 5152 7256 378 247
6090 3538 4453 5843 5152 7256 283 219

Michigan State Championship - Ford Division

in University Center, MI, USA
to Week 7

Team 5843 was Rank 39 with a record of 4-10-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 4967
Pick 1 4004
Pick 2 5843

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 15
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 30
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Grand Rapids Girls Robotics Competition

in Wyoming, MI, USA

Team 5843 was Rank 21 with a record of 2-7-0

Captain 4855
Pick 1 3770
Pick 2 5843

Bloomfield Girls Robotics Competition

in Bloomfield Hills, MI, USA

Team 5843 was Rank 19 with a record of 5-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Finalist

Captain 2834
Pick 1 3539
Pick 2 5843
Pick 3 3414
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3641 548 5843 3538 910 226 361 147
51 3539 2337 2834 503 5843 383 325
2832 245 469 5843 1189 3538 204 344
33 5843 4779 3641 3604 2960 198 369
302 4961 830 5843 2337 1684 293 252
2832 5843 910 772 3414 33 228 273
3539 5843 2834 4961 3322 5577 375 219
3539 5843 2834 3604 51 1684 466 252
3539 5843 2834 3604 51 1684 420 105
2832 2960 2337 2834 5843 3539 372 189
2832 2960 2337 2834 5843 3539 387 247

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