Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1885 3928 8849 695 620 8748 58 34
195 2451 3218 1502 1138 2637 124 87
1700 8738 5199 1690 862 6637 69 135
8020 2642 6510 4598 2129 7174 74 48
870 5727 5338 4153 2718 4125 73 40
8733 1323 8531 3603 4028 7054 125 112
4472 987 4635 6364 8742 7451 104 51
8177 4639 59 6024 2491 6421 90 87
4907 696 7178 1622 3654 2611 117 64
2073 4561 1073 3284 6919 1114 93 130
8085 5735 16 3008 5462 2626 68 64
2046 3536 1089 179 1296 4159 119 105
604 1796 4598 2239 6637 1138 113 47
2637 3218 8738 5727 8020 695 40 99
3603 1690 195 987 3928 5338 118 91
4635 59 4153 6510 1323 4125 114 98
870 620 4639 7054 7174 2642 105 77
6024 7178 862 6421 1073 2129 116 94
5462 8531 2073 2491 696 6364 81 103
7451 2718 179 1885 16 1700 66 83
2239 4472 8748 1296 4907 1114 67 133
2626 5199 1622 4159 1502 1796 81 95
3654 1089 6919 2451 8177 3008 103 113
8733 604 8742 5735 4561 8849 88 86
2611 3536 4028 8085 3284 2046 105 95
695 1690 7174 1138 1073 1323 99 128
7054 6637 8531 987 2637 6024 53 98
3928 862 179 2073 2718 2642 123 84
1296 59 3603 8020 8738 16 99 90
2491 5338 2626 5199 3218 4472 48 98
1114 1796 6421 6510 2451 1885 121 106
2239 3008 6919 696 1700 8849 80 74
4561 1502 8748 5462 4598 2046 92 110
8085 4907 4635 1089 7178 8733 80 89
4639 2611 6364 5727 4028 8742 110 131
2129 8177 3284 4159 4153 620 83 58
7451 4125 5735 3654 195 3536 52 116
604 870 987 1622 1073 1296 130 118
16 2073 2491 2642 1323 2451 104 138
8849 7054 59 696 4472 1796 76 97
2046 1138 2718 8531 8020 6919 56 63
862 2637 5462 1885 5338 4907 97 62
8748 1089 1700 4028 2626 6510 58 90
5727 4635 4598 179 2129 5199 99 120
4153 1114 695 5735 4639 1502 110 80
4125 3284 3008 8738 6421 604 83 125
6364 195 870 7178 8085 8177 102 83
7451 1622 1690 2611 4561 620 86 107
6637 4159 7174 8742 3603 3654 80 73
3218 8733 2239 3536 6024 3928 81 97
1323 8849 1796 862 987 2642 115 112
4028 5338 4472 2451 2129 696 105 101
6919 2626 2718 4907 695 4639 43 108
1502 1296 5727 6421 1700 3284 124 108
8738 5735 1089 4598 8531 870 78 110
4153 7178 4561 2073 59 1885 110 90
8748 4159 195 7174 4635 604 80 97
2046 2239 3928 1622 6364 6510 130 94
7451 8177 1114 3008 8020 1690 85 86
7054 6024 1138 5199 3654 16 69 117
3536 8085 8742 620 2491 2637 61 92
6637 2611 5462 1073 8733 179 92 120
4125 3603 2129 3218 1796 4639 32 127
987 2451 1700 4598 695 7178 135 65
2718 5735 4028 4561 59 4159 85 107
8738 2073 1502 8849 4635 5338 82 92
5727 2046 1885 604 1323 1690 153 172
6024 1296 6364 7174 6919 7451 76 52
1089 7054 8020 3928 2491 1622 105 101
179 4472 3654 8531 6421 8085 122 105
2637 4125 8177 8748 2611 8733 56 57
16 2626 696 1114 195 6637 100 114
1073 4153 3536 4907 2642 1138 79 103
3603 6510 3218 3284 870 862 82 122
8742 3008 620 5462 2239 5199 57 102
1796 6024 4635 5338 695 2046 56 98
2073 5735 1296 1690 7054 2491 65 132
8531 8849 1622 2129 1885 8085 63 103
4561 1700 1323 2637 6364 3654 118 76
7178 4159 3928 6637 4472 4125 81 71
2451 7174 8020 2626 8738 4153 58 51
4639 8748 16 3284 3536 987 100 121
2718 6510 696 5199 604 7451 112 97
6919 4028 8733 862 4598 195 96 120
3008 2642 2611 1502 2239 3603 106 105
3218 1073 4907 8742 179 8177 103 66
1114 1138 59 1089 620 5727 113 86
8849 5462 6421 870 1690 4159 83 112
6637 1622 2451 5735 4635 1323 65 146
1796 5338 8085 1296 4639 4561 81 110
3536 6364 2129 2718 7054 8738 90 54
695 3654 987 8733 6510 2491 100 69
2642 7451 2239 7178 2637 3284 87 102
7174 16 179 8177 4028 1502 111 110
1073 862 8531 3008 8748 5727 95 59
3928 5199 6421 4153 2611 6919 113 108
1700 604 5462 4472 3603 1089 91 84
2626 8742 1138 59 2046 870 73 120
696 1885 1114 3218 4598 6024 110 58
620 4907 8020 195 4125 2073 113 111
8733 1690 3284 1796 2718 2451 129 66
2491 179 4561 6510 2239 8738 114 65
1323 4159 7054 8085 7451 1073 91 69
2642 8748 6364 5338 6637 5735 82 71
2637 5199 4153 4028 8849 1089 83 105
7178 5462 3603 1138 5727 8177 83 109
604 6919 3218 59 987 2611 116 109
195 6024 1622 4472 2073 3008 65 71
3654 1885 1296 4635 3928 2626 80 108
8020 1502 862 4639 696 8742 93 93
4907 6421 4598 620 16 2046 82 114
4125 1114 3536 1700 7174 8531 101 52
2129 695 4561 870 1089 6637 88 101
6364 2451 1073 8849 5199 3603 111 71
6919 8085 7054 1690 4153 2239 69 114
1323 3284 6024 195 179 5462 95 113
5338 6510 1296 1138 3008 7178 75 62
4159 8738 4472 4639 8733 1885 62 83
6421 620 4028 4635 3218 2718 110 99
1502 8531 3928 59 7451 4907 112 124
8177 4598 2073 3536 2626 604 94 119
4125 8742 695 16 1622 2642 54 105
2611 2046 2491 862 1114 2129 130 95
696 5727 2637 7174 987 5735 140 104
1700 870 3654 8020 8748 1796 95 61


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 604 1323 4153 3603
Alliance 2 870 2046 1796 6421
Alliance 3 1690 4028 1138 6510
Alliance 4 862 696 5199 2491
Alliance 5 1114 987 4907 2451
Alliance 6 59 179 4561 3928
Alliance 7 3536 195 5727 1296
Alliance 8 4639 16 4635 8177

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
604 4153 1323 4639 16 4635 166 95
604 4153 1323 4639 16 4635 130 118
696 862 5199 987 4907 1114 152 148
696 862 5199 987 4907 1114 134 150
696 862 5199 987 4907 1114 70 128
2046 870 1796 195 3536 5727 82 110
6421 870 1796 3536 5727 195 143 158
4028 1690 1138 59 4561 179 135 97
4028 1690 1138 179 4561 59 120 94
604 4153 1323 987 4907 1114 133 130
604 4153 1323 1114 4907 987 150 0
195 5727 3536 4028 1690 1138 100 154
1296 5727 195 4028 1690 1138 87 103
604 4153 1323 4028 1690 1138 158 116
604 4153 1323 4028 1690 1138 122 121

Playoff Bracket



Rank Team Ranking Score Avg Match Avg Hangar Avg Taxi + Auto Cargo Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 604 3.80 110.80 28.50 27.20 9-1-0 0 10 38
2 870 3.80 100.20 25.90 25.00 10-0-0 0 10 38
3 1323 3.50 118.20 26.80 28.40 8-2-0 0 10 35
4 1690 3.40 115.10 21.70 31.40 8-2-0 0 10 34
5 862 3.40 107.60 26.70 29.60 7-2-1 0 10 34
6 2046 3.30 110.10 27.10 29.60 7-3-0 0 10 33
7 1114 3.30 106.80 24.10 31.00 8-2-0 0 10 33
8 59 3.30 101.40 26.00 25.20 7-3-0 0 10 33
9 3536 3.30 96.00 24.70 27.40 8-2-0 0 10 33
10 987 3.20 106.00 28.40 29.20 6-4-0 0 10 32
11 4639 3.20 97.40 26.50 21.80 6-3-1 0 10 32
12 8733 3.20 90.50 24.40 22.40 7-3-0 0 10 32
13 179 3.10 102.80 23.30 28.20 7-3-0 0 10 31
14 195 3.10 100.70 27.30 25.60 7-3-0 0 10 31
15 4907 3.10 100.10 29.30 24.60 7-3-0 0 10 31
16 4561 3.10 98.90 27.00 24.00 6-4-0 0 10 31
17 3928 3.10 98.60 22.60 26.40 7-3-0 0 10 31
18 16 3.10 97.20 25.80 22.20 6-4-0 0 10 31
19 7178 3.10 89.20 27.30 22.20 6-4-0 0 10 31
20 6364 3.10 86.30 27.40 24.40 6-4-0 0 10 31
21 3284 3.00 104.00 24.90 27.40 6-4-0 0 10 30
22 5727 3.00 102.10 26.40 24.80 6-4-0 0 10 30
23 4028 3.00 102.10 23.80 27.80 6-4-0 0 10 30
24 696 3.00 100.70 23.70 26.00 6-3-1 0 10 30
25 4635 3.00 96.30 27.50 20.60 6-4-0 0 10 30
26 2642 3.00 92.80 29.20 23.00 6-4-0 0 10 30
27 8020 3.00 81.00 23.70 23.20 7-2-1 0 10 30
28 1296 2.90 95.70 24.00 29.80 6-4-0 0 10 29
29 2491 2.90 94.40 27.80 22.80 5-5-0 0 10 29
30 5462 2.90 90.00 28.40 25.00 5-5-0 0 10 29
31 1089 2.90 88.80 20.20 25.60 5-5-0 0 10 29
32 2611 2.80 94.80 28.50 24.40 5-5-0 0 10 28
33 3654 2.80 92.20 27.50 21.40 5-5-0 0 10 28
34 2451 2.70 95.30 23.70 27.60 6-4-0 0 10 27
35 5199 2.70 94.30 23.90 22.60 5-5-0 0 10 27
36 3218 2.70 90.40 26.30 21.20 5-5-0 0 10 27
37 620 2.70 84.40 22.90 23.00 6-4-0 0 10 27
38 695 2.70 82.30 23.90 22.60 5-5-0 0 10 27
39 6421 2.60 101.20 24.60 26.60 4-6-0 0 10 26
40 1073 2.60 97.40 22.70 25.40 5-5-0 0 10 26
41 1885 2.60 90.80 26.60 21.20 5-5-0 0 10 26
42 1700 2.60 85.90 23.40 23.00 5-5-0 0 10 26
43 2637 2.60 85.50 22.60 24.80 5-5-0 0 10 26
44 4472 2.60 84.50 20.90 23.40 6-4-0 0 10 26
45 4159 2.60 81.50 16.50 25.20 6-4-0 0 10 26
46 3008 2.60 76.50 20.20 23.60 5-5-0 0 10 26
47 1796 2.50 90.40 16.60 26.80 6-4-0 0 10 25
48 4598 2.50 88.30 25.70 23.00 4-6-0 0 10 25
49 8177 2.50 86.90 23.20 22.60 4-6-0 0 10 25
50 2239 2.50 86.60 27.20 21.00 4-6-0 0 10 25
51 4153 2.40 83.90 25.30 19.60 4-6-0 0 10 24
52 6510 2.40 83.70 28.40 21.60 4-6-0 0 10 24
53 1138 2.40 81.10 26.00 24.00 4-6-0 0 10 24
54 5338 2.40 75.60 23.80 20.40 5-5-0 0 10 24
55 1502 2.30 94.00 22.10 24.60 2-7-1 0 10 23
56 8849 2.30 81.10 23.10 19.60 4-6-0 0 10 23
57 2626 2.30 74.50 23.70 18.80 3-7-0 0 10 23
58 2129 2.20 83.80 19.90 22.80 4-6-0 0 10 22
59 6024 2.20 79.70 22.90 22.60 4-6-0 0 10 22
60 6919 2.10 82.40 19.50 24.20 4-6-0 0 10 21
61 8531 2.10 81.10 20.90 23.00 4-6-0 0 10 21
62 6637 2.10 77.70 22.10 22.20 4-6-0 0 10 21
63 3603 2.00 72.30 18.20 16.00 2-7-0 1 10 20
64 7174 2.00 71.80 17.30 22.00 4-6-0 0 10 20
65 7054 1.90 80.60 26.40 17.60 3-7-0 0 10 19
66 8742 1.90 71.90 18.40 20.60 2-7-1 0 10 19
67 5735 1.80 81.90 19.80 24.00 2-8-0 0 10 18
68 8085 1.80 79.80 24.90 21.40 2-8-0 0 10 18
69 2073 1.70 85.90 20.40 24.20 1-9-0 0 10 17
70 8748 1.70 67.40 14.40 18.20 2-8-0 0 10 17
71 8738 1.60 70.00 21.70 17.60 1-9-0 0 10 16
72 1622 1.50 79.40 24.50 22.80 1-9-0 0 10 15
73 7451 1.40 74.90 18.00 23.00 1-9-0 0 10 14
74 2718 1.30 67.30 19.20 18.80 1-9-0 0 10 13
75 4125 1.10 67.40 14.40 17.40 1-9-0 0 10 11

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Mountain Home, Arkansas, USA
Miami, Florida, USA
Riviera Beach, Florida, USA
Southington, Connecticut, USA
San Jose, California, USA
Vienna, Virginia, USA
Beachwood, Ohio, USA
La Crescenta, California, USA
Canton, Michigan, USA
Southold, New York, USA
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Hollis, New Hampshire, USA
Hightstown, New Jersey, USA
St Catharines, Ontario, Canada
West Hills, California, USA
Rockwall, Texas, USA
Madera, California, USA
Chelsea, Michigan, USA
Poway, California, USA
Binyamina, HaZafon, Israel
Palo Alto, California, USA
Queens, New York, USA
Haymarket, Virginia, USA
Maple Valley, Washington, USA
Elk Grove, California, USA
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Hopkins, Minnesota, USA
Saint Charles, Illinois, USA
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
Jackson, Michigan, USA
Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
Rolling Hills Estates, California, USA
Greenville, North Carolina, USA
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Bonney Lake, Washington, USA
Camdenton, Missouri, USA
Hartland, Michigan, USA
Reed City, Michigan, USA
Middletown, Connecticut, USA
Ames, Iowa, USA
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Umatilla, Oregon, USA
Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
San Francisco, California, USA
Woodbridge, Virginia, USA
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA
Sandy, Utah, USA
Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico
Katy, Texas, USA
St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
Dana Point, California, USA
Leesburg, Virginia, USA
Paw Paw, Michigan, USA
Forest City, North Carolina, USA
Wayland, Massachusetts, USA
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Muskego, Wisconsin, USA
Pymble, New South Wales, Australia
Carney, Michigan, USA
Albany, Georgia, USA
Byron Center, Michigan, USA
Dearborn Heights, Michigan, USA
Walled Lake, Michigan, USA
Cumming, Georgia, USA
Taipei, Taipei Special Municipality, Chinese Taipei
Milford, Connecticut, USA
Tomball, Texas, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Athens, Alabama, USA
Fuquay Varina, North Carolina, USA
Fairmount, Indiana, USA
Durango, Durango, Mexico
Alpharetta, Georgia, USA
Award Winner
Engineering Inspiration Award 3928
Rookie All Star Award 8748
Championship Division Winner 604
Championship Division Winner 1323
Championship Division Winner 4153
Championship Division Winner 3603
Championship Division Finalist 1690
Championship Division Finalist 4028
Championship Division Finalist 1138
Championship Division Finalist 6510
Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford 1690
Championship Division Highest Rookie Seed 8733
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 4907
Entrepreneurship Award 862
Excellence in Engineering Award 1073
Gracious Professionalism Award 6024
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 2491
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 1502
Innovation in Control Award 3284
Judges' Award 6919
Quality Award 59
Rookie Inspiration Award 8849
Team Spirit Award 2642

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1323 60.88
1690 59.22
604 53.72
2046 52.44
4028 51.37
5727 50.20
1114 49.75
179 47.93
987 47.19
195 47.06
696 44.55
16 43.90
2451 42.42
4561 42.09
862 41.84
6421 41.48
4907 41.44
3284 40.80
59 40.18
4635 39.81
4639 39.28
1502 38.90
2642 38.78
5199 38.60
3928 38.37
1089 37.41
1073 36.55
2611 36.01
870 35.27
1296 34.43
7178 33.81
3536 33.26
2491 32.66
1796 32.45
3218 31.78
3654 30.77
2239 30.67
6364 30.57
4472 29.41
6510 29.33
2073 28.47
6919 28.14
8531 28.11
7054 27.78
5462 27.43
8177 25.77
4153 25.52
1885 25.32
2637 25.11
5735 24.08
695 23.91
4598 21.89
620 21.80
8733 21.48
6637 21.17
3603 20.76
8020 20.64
4159 20.43
1138 20.12
2129 19.95
1700 19.77
8085 19.74
3008 19.61
1622 19.58
2626 18.24
8849 14.96
8742 14.68
4125 13.68
7174 13.58
5338 13.42
7451 13.41
8738 12.25
6024 11.61
2718 8.25
8748 4.56


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Taxi Line 699 750 93.20%
Quintet Achieved 144 250 57.60%
Low Climb 12 750 1.60%
Mid Climb 113 750 15.07%
High Climb 98 750 13.07%
Traversal Climb 283 750 37.73%
Cargo Bonus RP Achieved *