From Binyamina, HaZafon, Israel
aka Binyamina - Givat Ada Local Council/Ministry of Education/zivudim/ARAN/SCOPUSTECH/Dassault Systèmes&cramim atid binyamina
Rookie Year: 2005
Last competed in 2024
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Event Results

Team 1690 was 63-7-0 in official play and 80-14-0 overall in 2022.

As a member of the FIRST Israel district, Team 1690 ranked 2 having earned 362 points.


in Binyamina, Haifa, Israel

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7845 3075 1690 5715 1577 2630
6740 1690 1943 3075 8223 1574
7845 1690 3835 1657 6740 2212
2630 4590 1942 1574 2212 1690
3075 3835 1943 1690 1942 5635
1690 7067 5715 1942 1574 2212
1942 7067 4590 3835 1577 1690
6740 5635 2630 1690 1657 5715
1657 2212 7067 1943 1690 3075
1577 1657 5635 1943 1690 2630
1690 4590 8223 1574 7845 5635

ISR District Event #1

in Ra'anana, HA, Israel
to Week 1

Team 1690 was Rank 1 with a record of 17-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner
  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 1690
Pick 1 1577
Pick 2 6104
Backup for 6104 6741

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 22
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 5
Total Points 73
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5554 1690 1577 6104 3083 3065 113 27
1937 1577 1574 2230 8223 1690 69 57
1576 4590 3083 1690 4338 5614 20 82
5291 1576 1937 1943 7067 1690 21 83
1690 6740 4590 2230 1943 1576 87 20
1690 6104 1937 4319 1577 8843 60 4
3316 5614 2230 1690 3211 7112 52 87
5614 3211 6104 4319 1690 2096 34 72
5554 1690 3065 5654 4319 6738 93 54
1574 3083 1690 7067 5291 8223 107 37
4338 3316 8843 1576 5654 1690 57 82
3211 2231 7112 5291 1690 6741 33 88
1577 1690 6104 5614 7067 8223 128 16
1577 1690 6104 5614 7067 8223 146 48
1577 1690 6104 5654 3316 5291 92 79
1577 1690 6104 5654 3316 5291 85 73
1577 1690 6741 1574 2096 1937 114 61
1577 1690 6741 1574 2096 1937 107 53

ISR District Event #3

in Ra'anana, TA, Israel
to Week 3

Team 1690 was Rank 1 with a record of 17-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner
  • Quality Award

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 1690
Pick 1 1577
Pick 2 1576

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 22
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 5
Total Points 73
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1690 1937 2096 6104 6741 3316 100 52
4586 5135 7845 6741 3339 1690 78 96
1942 6738 3339 1690 1576 3065 76 35
2212 1690 3075 5614 1574 7177 160 61
7039 5614 1690 2096 4319 2212 153 42
3065 1690 2096 2630 5135 6740 124 67
1576 1574 6740 2231 4586 1690 41 144
3075 3083 5614 6738 1690 6104 38 115
6740 1577 1690 5135 7039 5654 163 66
3316 3065 7039 7845 1690 6738 65 137
1690 6741 4319 6740 4586 7039 103 87
4319 1942 3316 1690 2630 3083 50 137
1577 1690 1576 2096 7039 3065 120 52
1577 1690 1576 2096 7039 3065 134 47
1577 1690 1576 1574 5614 6104 130 68
1577 1690 1576 1574 5614 6104 122 50
1577 1690 1576 2630 7845 4319 155 82
1577 1690 1576 2630 7845 4319 147 81

FIRST Israel District Championship

in Jerusalem, JM, Israel
to Week 4

Team 1690 was Rank 2 with a record of 17-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • Volunteer of the Year (Adam Kertesz)
  • District Championship Winner
  • Innovation in Control Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 1577
Pick 1 1690
Pick 2 3065

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 63
Alliance Points 48
Playoff Points 90
Award Points 15
Total Points 216
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5990 5987 1690 1577 8223 7845 116 118
3388 1690 5715 5951 3211 2630 124 86
1943 5654 1690 3065 4338 2630 102 101
8223 3339 7039 1690 1574 1657 83 123
4586 6740 5135 1690 5554 5614 88 133
4586 3211 1943 2212 8175 1690 81 123
6104 5135 1690 3388 2212 1657 85 74
2230 3339 2231 6740 1690 4744 110 129
5654 4590 6104 3835 1690 8223 77 135
5635 5951 3075 1690 4338 1577 65 191
1690 7845 1580 1574 3083 3316 109 70
2096 1690 4590 6168 5990 5554 121 55
1690 1577 3065 3211 3835 5990 148 48
1690 1577 3065 3211 3835 5990 128 61
1690 1577 3065 3075 2630 3316 111 63
1690 1577 3065 3075 2630 3316 118 84
1690 1577 3065 1574 5715 1657 134 87
1690 1577 3065 1574 5715 1657 124 93

Carver Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 1690 was Rank 4 with a record of 12-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Division Finalist
  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 1690
Pick 1 4028
Pick 2 1138
Pick 3 6510
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1700 8738 5199 1690 862 6637 69 135
3603 1690 195 987 3928 5338 118 91
695 1690 7174 1138 1073 1323 99 128
7451 1622 1690 2611 4561 620 86 107
7451 8177 1114 3008 8020 1690 85 86
5727 2046 1885 604 1323 1690 153 172
2073 5735 1296 1690 7054 2491 65 132
8849 5462 6421 870 1690 4159 83 112
8733 1690 3284 1796 2718 2451 129 66
6919 8085 7054 1690 4153 2239 69 114
4028 1690 1138 59 4561 179 135 97
4028 1690 1138 179 4561 59 120 94
195 5727 3536 4028 1690 1138 100 154
1296 5727 195 4028 1690 1138 87 103
604 4153 1323 4028 1690 1138 158 116
604 4153 1323 4028 1690 1138 122 121

Chezy Champs

in San Jose, CA, USA

Team 1690 was Rank 18 with a record of 8-6-0

Captain 6800
Pick 1 1690
Pick 2 973
Pick 3 8033
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1690 114 1678 2910 1700 3310 191 139
2046 973 6036 1700 696 1690 111 90
7034 649 3476 498 1690 5507 147 92
3476 3940 1690 5104 3256 696 177 100
971 3478 1678 1690 3256 4414 180 105
1700 3940 6800 1690 8033 2486 142 154
604 971 1690 694 846 5940 188 129
4499 5507 2813 3175 1690 359 144 170
1690 3647 2910 1619 649 254 167 159
5104 972 1690 7157 3647 114 105 124
6800 1690 973 1619 7034 7157 146 121
6800 1690 973 254 3175 2910 214 134
4414 498 1678 6800 1690 973 172 164
6800 1690 973 254 3175 2910 163 184

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