From Groton, Connecticut, USA
aka Pfizer/DoDSTEM/Charter Oak Credit Union/Groton Utilities/R-D Manufacturing/The Hillery Company/J Steele Services/Applied Physical Sciences/Groton Board of Education&Robert E Fitch High School
Rookie Year: 2007
Last competed in 2024
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Robot Name: The Precipitator

Event Results

Team 2168 was 72-16-0 in official play and 91-27-0 overall in 2017.

As a member of the New England district, Team 2168 ranked 1 having earned 354 points.

No matches played.

NE District - SE Mass Event

in Bridgewater, MA 02324, USA
to Week 2

Team 2168 was Rank 5 with a record of 14-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 4 and won the event.

Captain 2168
Pick 1 88
Pick 2 5563

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 19
Alliance Points 13
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 0
Total Points 62
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2079 5347 5752 5265 2168 88 146 175
2168 4954 6333 6301 151 1757 200 95
4176 4908 5563 4761 3461 2168 145 305
5563 2168 78 6201 5000 1761 185 200
3609 1831 3205 348 5112 2168 145 270
4169 5844 88 5000 2168 1757 190 219
1922 4151 5000 2168 172 5347 240 210
97 3182 2168 6224 348 4908 140 305
6224 5491 2168 2648 5471 3182 135 116
4908 6153 2168 6301 3205 5491 255 145
3461 6529 121 4169 2168 5752 250 235
2168 2079 3609 6224 1922 6333 235 210
5563 2168 88 1831 6201 4954 250 307
5563 2168 88 1831 6201 4954 265 195
5563 2168 88 1831 6201 4954 285 235
2648 157 4908 88 2168 5563 321 255
2648 157 4908 88 2168 5563 256 305
2648 157 4908 88 2168 5563 222 330
5563 2168 88 4169 4151 4176 305 205
5563 2168 88 4169 4151 4176 290 260

MAR District - Bridgewater-Raritan Event

in Bridgewater, NJ 08807, USA
to Week 3

Team 2168 was Rank 1 with a record of 17-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner
  • Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 2168
Pick 1 303
Pick 2 752
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2559 3637 3142 4653 5992 2168 195 285
1989 2168 3637 4573 5666 747 280 147
6203 5310 193 1403 4035 2168 115 255
1370 5310 2168 3637 265 3515 200 145
747 2168 4281 4035 4653 752 216 140
136 223 1989 224 2168 56 165 255
4954 1626 2168 714 56 3340 205 160
102 303 224 4573 2168 1279 223 310
1403 834 265 303 41 2168 256 245
219 4573 2559 2168 3515 752 151 200
2168 2559 102 1989 224 219 335 160
1676 1279 41 2168 1807 3142 188 295
752 2168 303 1257 1807 1989 343 265
752 2168 303 1257 1807 4573 339 305
752 2168 303 193 1370 3340 322 191
752 2168 303 193 1370 3340 347 244
752 2168 303 747 219 3637 313 274
752 2168 303 747 219 3637 310 268

NE District - Rhode Island Event

in Smithfield, RI 02917, USA
to Week 4

Team 2168 was Rank 1 with a record of 15-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner
  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 2168
Pick 1 78
Pick 2 6731

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 22
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 5
Total Points 73
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3525 1277 125 2168 5000 4048 241 256
6617 78 2168 4048 4097 121 355 185
1757 1768 4796 176 2168 5112 305 230
2262 3719 2168 157 126 6617 345 205
121 2168 5846 1099 5000 3780 345 210
3525 3466 1973 190 6731 2168 145 405
2168 1153 3525 1350 1757 3719 296 310
2168 4151 1768 2079 2064 6617 220 206
2079 4176 5112 125 2168 1350 255 310
190 5856 6620 1786 1757 2168 287 310
1100 69 121 2064 2168 3466 306 276
1277 1100 2168 3780 467 88 282 180
6731 2168 78 1768 1786 1124 459 310
6731 2168 78 1768 1786 1124 262 255
6731 2168 78 190 1757 5112 449 310
6731 2168 78 190 1757 5112 500 255
6731 2168 78 5846 4176 6620 451 235
6731 2168 78 5846 4176 6620 474 285

New England District Championship

in Durham, NH 03824, USA
to Week 6

Team 2168 was Rank 1 with a record of 17-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Winner
  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 2168
Pick 1 195
Pick 2 1073

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 66
Alliance Points 48
Playoff Points 90
Award Points 15
Total Points 219
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
78 173 2168 2342 716 4169 300 247
1922 4905 1519 2168 2523 177 314 235
238 6329 2370 125 558 2168 309 398
6337 5422 2168 195 2084 1721 346 304
1519 2168 501 5687 5422 1071 299 245
2168 3467 4176 1757 4564 3958 331 204
58 1991 999 6328 2168 348 263 351
3719 2168 238 1073 1757 3623 361 345
95 3464 230 6763 213 2168 345 353
177 2067 131 2168 3958 5813 293 298
2168 95 4905 6201 181 5556 345 205
1153 4906 4908 4151 2168 5846 205 316
1073 2168 195 131 501 6763 515 470
1073 2168 195 131 501 6763 517 420
1073 2168 195 558 125 4564 446 472
1073 2168 195 558 125 4564 506 466
1073 2168 195 558 125 4564 495 333
1073 2168 195 1519 3719 5813 511 364
1073 2168 195 1519 3719 5813 510 342

Tesla Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 2168 was Rank 3 with a record of 9-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 2168
Pick 1 3015
Pick 2 3546
Pick 3 11
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Connecticut State Championship

in Guilford, CT, USA

Team 2168 was Rank 7 with a record of 5-3-0

Captain 2168
Pick 1 177
Pick 2 3719
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
195 1124 2836 2168 1991 178 322 255
177 228 5686 176 3146 2168 186 250
2168 195 181 237 1740 1699 323 165
155 4055 2168 3654 2064 236 345 260
3525 176 237 4557 230 2168 255 336
2170 2836 2067 177 2168 3719 307 255
2170 2836 2067 177 2168 3719 208 255
2170 2836 2067 177 2168 3719 307 231

BattleCry 18

in Worcester, MA, USA

Team 2168 was Rank 2 with a record of 9-2-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 195
Pick 1 2168
Pick 2 157
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Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 2168 was Rank 25 with a record of 5-6-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 6 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 125
Pick 1 2481
Pick 2 2168
Pick 3 365
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Robot Name: The Precipitator

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