From Canton, Michigan, USA
aka Jabil/Nissan/BOSCH/Amazon&Plymouth High School&Salem High School&Canton High School
Rookie Year: 2002
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Event Results

Team 862 was 53-30-1 in official play in 2014.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 862 ranked 21 having earned 172 points.

Southfield FIRST Robotics District Competition

in Southfield, MI, USA
to Week 1

Team 862 was Rank 11 with a record of 11-9-0 and won the following awards:

  • Finalist
  • Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers

Captain 862
Pick 1 2474
Pick 2 1250

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 14
Alliance Points 10
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 49
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
51 862 5086 247 107 2224 67 115
5053 3620 3547 94 470 862 65 59
2145 4680 4854 3547 862 4840 77 97
5014 4380 1 573 247 862 24 73
4405 94 3548 201 862 1502 90 22
3548 862 5014 2145 94 4398 167 26
5235 1504 2474 862 33 3414 75 195
4384 862 835 1188 1250 1701 81 58
5008 4384 4398 862 3620 4405 75 176
5215 5053 862 835 1 1701 49 73
573 4405 835 862 3098 3604 41 95
862 5252 1 470 51 1188 77 150
3604 1502 51 2474 862 1250 140 142
51 3604 1502 2474 862 1250 179 82
1502 3604 51 2474 862 1250 96 125
1250 862 2474 3098 573 4398 160 176
862 2474 1250 4398 3098 573 140 60
1250 2474 862 573 4398 3098 174 140
107 33 5053 862 2474 1250 230 120
5053 107 33 2474 862 1250 141 98

Escanaba FIRST Robotics District Competition

in Escanaba, MI, USA
to Week 3

Team 862 was Rank 2 with a record of 14-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Finalist
  • Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler

Captain 862
Pick 1 3322
Pick 2 5247

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 20
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 60
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
862 4392 5175 3641 107 857 18 170
4375 1023 4376 857 862 3617 85 228
2153 2851 862 3602 857 5183 112 43
2959 4391 5183 1711 66 862 85 167
4376 862 4827 5110 4715 4835 236 63
5072 1711 5175 5183 862 1596 28 86
4827 4375 4970 5314 862 4391 14 185
2246 862 1023 2153 3602 1711 205 72
4392 107 5183 5247 862 5110 160 92
3602 862 5213 4988 1596 2586 119 61
5230 4988 3618 862 2959 4995 38 60
862 4375 4983 2153 4995 4988 106 32
2851 862 5247 3617 4970 4988 106 100
5247 2851 862 4970 3617 4988 104 40
5247 2851 862 4392 4391 3602 88 84
2851 5247 862 3602 4391 4392 122 96
107 1023 2586 2851 5247 862 150 113
107 1023 2586 5247 2851 862 145 96

Bedford FIRST Robotics District Competition

in Temperance, MI, USA
to Week 6

Team 862 was Rank 14 with a record of 12-7-1 and won the following awards:

  • Winner

Captain 1023
Pick 1 862
Pick 2 240
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1701 494 548 4395 5090 862 101 100
5239 1023 66 5252 862 904 160 127
2145 862 1189 5066 5050 470 116 52
1243 862 1528 5090 548 66 126 113
4395 1502 2676 1701 862 5050 39 141
548 247 3773 862 4409 5217 85 57
4384 4409 2620 5263 5065 862 86 72
3175 5252 68 2834 862 3773 56 193
66 70 862 1189 3542 68 133 166
3509 240 862 3542 1243 5065 118 118
1502 3536 5217 862 548 3175 47 270
68 862 3547 1528 1023 2676 156 95
1023 862 240 3547 2834 4384 162 52
862 240 1023 4384 3547 2834 110 73
1023 240 862 1701 3641 3175 265 132
240 862 1023 3175 1701 3641 80 103
1023 862 240 1701 3175 3641 191 97
3536 70 494 1023 240 862 170 171
3536 70 494 240 1023 862 241 156
3536 70 494 240 862 1023 132 136

Michigan FRC State Championship

in Ypsilanti, MI, USA
to Week 7

Team 862 was Rank 25 with a record of 7-7-0

Captain 51
Pick 1 68
Pick 2 862

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 42
Alliance Points 21
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 63
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Galileo Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 862 was Rank 4 with a record of 9-3-0

Captain 862
Pick 1 2337
Pick 2 179
Pick 3 488
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