From Anaheim, California, USA
aka The Boeing Company/McLaren/Google/Ganahl Lumber/The Stump Family/Serra Laser/Drawer Box Specialties/Reborn Cabinets/VXB Bearings/First American Title/Will-Mann/Vision Miner/SoCal Devs/Reliable Sheet Metal&Servite High School
Rookie Year: 2010
Last competed in 2024
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Robot Name: Gateway

Event Results

Overall, Team 3309 had an average qual score of 107.56 and an average playoff score of 150.94 in 2015.

Los Angeles Regional sponsored by The Roddenberry Foundation

in Long Beach, CA, USA
to Week 3

Team 3309 was Rank 12 with an average qual score of 53.00 and an average playoff score of 53.50 and won the following awards:

  • Woodie Flowers Finalist Award (Evan Smith)
  • Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi

Captain 3328
Pick 1 3309
Pick 2 4276
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Las Vegas Regional

in Las Vegas, NV, USA
to Week 5

Team 3309 was Rank 4 with an average qual score of 92.50 and an average playoff score of 140.71 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 60
Pick 1 3309
Pick 2 4322
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
148 2984 3577 3309 4415 5012 67 66
1251 3473 148 3309 4141 3495 136 79
5429 3309 1160 988 4322 5134 136 18
3309 3473 812 597 991 687 72 66
2478 4800 3309 991 842 3245 13 42
5445 2034 3309 5451 4800 3019 99 45
5049 1828 3009 3019 3309 5480 31 78
341 4501 5012 4322 991 3309 48 102
60 5012 2478 842 3309 5199 74 161
3473 1661 842 585 3011 3309 40 84
4792 812 3011 5306 3309 5451 68 122
1661 3309 5049 987 5445 3577 98 98
3309 60 4322 4415 842 3495 155 81
3309 60 4322 3577 4141 5480 169 64
3309 60 4322 4415 842 3495 145 102
3309 60 4322 341 1251 4800 135 83
987 148 5012 3309 60 4322 122 147
987 148 5012 3309 60 4322 233 112
987 148 5012 3309 60 4322 232 122

Arizona West Regional

in Phoenix, AZ, USA
to Week 6

Team 3309 was Rank 2 with an average qual score of 135.85 and an average playoff score of 177.71 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners
  • Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi

Captain 2122
Pick 1 3309
Pick 2 5059
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3309 4696 1290 4565 2493 4841 158 78
4146 4565 2844 1726 3309 1492 54 149
2375 3577 3309 1290 3669 4735 142 82
4565 3309 4962 1212 3321 3187 150 57
4629 2493 3321 2403 5218 3309 6 121
4735 4841 3230 3309 498 991 150 140
4944 1212 3309 2493 2375 5101 92 30
1492 991 2122 3785 3309 5059 94 128
3133 3309 4146 3187 3669 4985 88 72
3309 5075 4985 5218 1492 3133 156 95
2403 1165 4944 3230 3309 3785 56 134
4962 5101 5218 3309 5200 3187 4 112
1165 3577 1726 2493 3309 2122 88 196
3309 2122 5059 4841 1290 498 225 24
3309 2122 5059 3133 2493 4944 117 102
3309 2122 5059 3133 2493 4944 97 86
3309 2122 5059 1726 3785 2403 187 126
3309 2122 5059 1165 3230 4565 208 108
3309 2122 5059 1726 3785 2403 193 107
3309 2122 5059 1726 3785 2403 217 108

Curie Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 3309 was Rank 15 with an average qual score of 143.60 and an average playoff score of 160.00 and won the following awards:

  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola

Captain 4450
Pick 1 610
Pick 2 3309
Pick 3 3937
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Chezy Champs

in San Jose, CA, USA

Team 3309 was Rank 8 with an average qual score of 145.17 and an average playoff score of 211.20 and won the following awards:

  • Programming Award

Captain 1983
Pick 1 3309
Pick 2 841
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
696 1868 3256 971 3309 1351 26 118
1983 5012 3309 687 1351 115 142 86
846 841 604 3309 1671 687 82 182
3256 3309 3476 254 973 2073 176 260
5499 670 1351 254 841 3309 90 204
846 4543 5026 3859 604 3309 60 86
696 649 3859 846 3309 399 134 186
766 2073 5012 3309 5026 1836 22 116
973 3309 670 1671 1868 399 192 94
766 3309 2085 399 4543 649 124 84
5499 3309 696 3476 5012 841 120 138
1678 1671 968 2073 1868 3309 222 96
3309 841 1983 846 399 3256 172 194
3309 841 1983 846 399 3256 204 132
3309 841 1983 846 399 3256 232 204
604 254 973 3309 841 1983 236 232
604 254 973 3309 841 1983 254 216

Fall Classic (Saturday)

in Placentia, CA, USA

Team 3309 had an average qual score of 86.50 and an average playoff score of 171.60

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Fall Classic (Sunday)

in Placentia, CA, USA

Team 3309 had an average qual score of 65.22 and an average playoff score of 82.20

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