From Ambler, Pennsylvania, USA
aka The Cleveland-Cliffs Foundation/Kiwanis Club of Ambler/Comcast NBCUniversal/Boeing/ASTM International/TE Connectivity/CAES/West Coast Products/Lockheed Martin/Computer Components Corporation/Penn State Great Valley/Welding Technologies/Minuteman Press Ambler&Wissahickon High School
Rookie Year: 2000
Last competed in 2024
Details on
Hall of Fame (2010): Video

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Robot Name: Miss Daisy

Event Results

Overall, Team 341 had an average qual score of 69.02 and an average playoff score of 74.42 in 2015.

As a member of the FIRST Mid-Atlantic district, Team 341 ranked 58 having earned 57 points.

MAR District - Hatboro-Horsham Event

in Horsham, PA, USA
to Week 1

Team 341 was Rank 31 with an average qual score of 32.42 and an average playoff score of 39.00

Captain 486
Pick 1 357
Pick 2 341

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 8
Alliance Points 7
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 15
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MAR District - Springside Chestnut Hill Event

in Philadelphia, PA, USA
to Week 3

Team 341 was Rank 8 with an average qual score of 59.25 and an average playoff score of 66.00

Captain 203
Pick 1 341
Pick 2 486

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 17
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 42
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
204 484 5684 341 5080 321 6 28
484 304 4750 3974 433 341 46 80
341 2495 365 708 5181 4342 47 20
341 5733 3637 1495 5640 1218 43 22
341 1626 204 4373 2191 5181 7 34
486 708 2495 5640 341 3929 45 28
341 4373 1712 4575 4342 365 117 70
433 5733 225 5407 341 203 54 67
2234 3929 2180 5684 341 2191 58 40
341 304 2234 204 1712 816 106 63
4750 341 1218 2234 5080 2191 87 14
321 2095 365 341 816 4575 74 61
341 203 486 5181 304 2191 72 56
341 203 486 484 321 3637 45 57
484 321 3637 341 203 486 65 29
1218 225 204 341 203 486 124 103
4373 1712 3974 341 203 486 96 81

Las Vegas Regional

in Las Vegas, NV, USA
to Week 5

Team 341 was Rank 33 with an average qual score of 57.83 and an average playoff score of 97.00 and won the following awards:

  • Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 1251
Pick 1 341
Pick 2 4800
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5463 4322 3019 5306 585 341 28 22
2034 341 5451 2478 3009 1661 34 48
5445 148 4792 812 341 1251 150 52
3019 5134 4141 148 1661 341 44 119
3011 5463 341 5445 1251 5199 74 75
5049 4322 842 3495 341 3473 39 67
341 2984 687 1160 60 3473 45 131
341 4501 5012 4322 991 3309 48 102
3495 4501 5480 988 4141 341 89 44
3009 3577 341 4501 1828 4800 77 102
4415 2984 3245 3019 991 341 61 58
341 4800 1160 597 812 2034 54 53
341 1251 4800 3009 4501 3019 108 94
341 1251 4800 991 5199 687 137 50
987 148 5012 341 1251 4800 194 70
3309 60 4322 341 1251 4800 135 83
341 1251 4800 4415 842 3495 87 56

No matches played.

Curie Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 341 was Rank 25 with an average qual score of 138.10

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3193 5735 88 4613 341 701 91 179
4061 2594 5572 5654 4595 341 126 42
1114 341 1305 3452 4048 1574 182 160
1622 708 5603 4143 4355 341 137 134
120 339 271 5585 303 341 94 96
3663 341 107 2457 4080 4653 168 62
341 702 5046 5737 649 1923 126 106
3495 341 148 3937 3008 5472 222 154
56 228 341 1318 1506 176 89 71
842 341 4146 5407 2557 1156 143 122

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Robot Name: Miss Daisy

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