From Puyallup, Washington, USA
aka OSPI/Puyallup School District CTE&Puyallup High School
Rookie Year: 2010
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Robot Name: Scarab

Event Results

Team 3393 was 21-22-0 in official play in 2017.

As a member of the Pacific Northwest district, Team 3393 ranked 61 having earned 82 points.

PNW District - Auburn Mountainview Event

in Auburn, WA 98092, USA
to Week 1

Team 3393 was Rank 20 with a record of 6-6-0

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 13
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 13
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PNW District - Auburn Event

in Auburn, WA 98002, USA
to Week 5

Team 3393 was Rank 13 with a record of 11-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 4131
Pick 1 3393
Pick 2 4173

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 15
Alliance Points 13
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 0
Total Points 48
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3826 2555 3786 3393 2906 3049 230 140
4173 3393 1258 2942 4461 3876 140 95
3393 2980 4205 4918 3219 1258 206 247
3684 3393 2942 1318 2929 4131 155 335
488 3219 3393 4060 3781 4205 322 221
5295 488 3684 2907 3393 360 338 355
3393 4131 948 4173 5295 2906 260 205
4579 2907 3574 3826 4918 3393 315 361
2929 2412 2906 3393 3786 5937 280 185
3393 5748 5295 3786 4205 360 325 155
2046 3781 3393 492 5748 4173 197 145
2980 4918 2929 2412 3393 3663 336 236
4173 4131 3393 3826 1318 4579 305 255
4173 4131 3393 3826 1318 4579 305 256
3574 948 492 3393 4131 4173 159 240
3574 948 492 3393 4131 4173 327 145
3574 948 492 3393 4131 4173 208 235
4173 4131 3393 2046 4918 5937 165 337
4173 4131 3393 2046 4918 5937 0 367

Pacific Northwest District Championship

in Cheney, WA 99004, USA
to Week 6

Team 3393 was Rank 56 with a record of 4-8-0

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 21
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 21
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Robot Name: Scarab

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